Maryland Gun Rights Struggle Continues with Rally on Tuesday, March 5 2013

Maryland State Rifle and Pistol Association
Maryland State Rifle and Pistol Association

Maryland –-(  Thanks to everyone that came out to testify and show your support on Friday, Mar 1st 2013.

We had over 1300 testifying against the Governor’s bill in the House committee hearing. The opposition could only come up with 33. The hearings went on past midnight. You all were simply awesome!

We need to keep the pressure on members of House to defeat Governor O’Malley’s gun bill. Please continue to call, visit, email and write the members of the House to let them know we don’t want this bill to become law.

You can go to:

Agree to the terms at the bottom of the page and keep the e-mails going to House Judiciary Committee and the House Health and Government Operations Committee. Remember if you choose to send an email to the whole house, you needn’t also send them to the two committees.

We have another rally on Tuesday March 5th 2013. I keep asking and I know it’s hard, but we need to have a super turnout for the rally and hearings that take place in the afternoon. If you want to testify you need to get there early so you can sign up and still be able to make it to the rally. The rally will begin at 11:00 a.m. in Lawyers Mall. Be sure to dress for the weather. Go to: and click on the red button under Special Alerts.

Details, including maps and guidance on written and oral testimony have been assembled by our friends at the Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore.

Wednesday, there will be hearings by the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee, so we could use another good turnout. There is no rally on Wednesday. I know this is two days in a row, but we are blowing their socks off, so we need to keep it going for a couple more days. If you can’t make it both days, at least try to be with us on one them.

Look over the legislation, also on the AGC page, because we have some good gun legislation in there put forward by our friends in both houses. Drive safely and join us for another critically important day in Annapolis! See you there.

Rich Kussman

The Maryland State Rifle and Pistol Association (MSRPA) is the flagship Gun Rights organization in and for the State of Maryland. The Association offers both individual and club memberships. Support of the shooting disciplines and legislative activities is primarily through a systems of committees. All participants are volunteers.
In the face of a near tidal wave of citizen disarmament occurring in Maryland, the MSRPA has played a critical part in drawing the line and standing firm for Gun Rights. Without this resistance, things would have been much worse and been so much sooner. Now the objective is to continue to develop new activists with numerous individual skills who will help us bring Maryland into line with the rest of the states which have made strong gains in protecting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Visit:

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O’Malley had to bus in children and church ladies for his own rally on March 1, when 1307 of those who signed in to testify were against the gun ban and only 32 were for it. We have a tyrant as governor and a tyrant as president. Sadly, hardly anyone voted for either of them because they support gun control. They voted for them on other issues, but they take that as carte blanche to push for unconstitutional legislation. And they have free rein to waste taxpayer money on this, knowing that taxpayers must take off work, drive long distances,… Read more »


When 315 million Americans cannot control 535 politicians having less than “common” sense. It is like a 5 pound bag of salt failing to season one speck of black pepper.

NYC Mayor Bloomberg spoke out about rifles blowing immense holes in deer destroying meat.

Whenever a politician speaks only on assumption we have plenty more to worry about.

It is obviously easier to lie through assumption than to learn through common sense.

Never forget Georgia congressman Hank Johnson’s fear about Guam capsizing from over population. He was re-elected. Potato with an “e” anyone?