Gun Rights Rally in Hartford CT, April 20th 2013

Connecticut Citizens Defense League
Connecticut Citizens Defense League

Groton, CT –-( The Connecticut Citizens Defense League (The state’s largest grass roots gun rights group) Is hosting a Gun Rally with the purpose of uniting gun owners from across the state, and to lay out plans to challenge the new anti-gun law that recently passed.

The event will take place on the north side grounds of the Capitol in Hartford Saturday April 20th from 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Guest speakers include Dr John Lott Jr who authored ‘More Guns Less Crime’ and Stewart Rhodes, who is the Founder of the national organization the ‘Oath Keepers’. Other 2nd Amendment activists will be speaking as well.

CCDL President Scott Wilson added the following comments about the rally:

We expect people who own guns and use them for lawful purposes to show and be counted. The majority of us feel wronged by the new law and also how it was passed. We are not going away, and we are not going to surrender our rights as though we have no recourse. We will use the judicial process to correct this injustice, and we will politically challenge the legislators that voted for it”.

CCDL points out that while the lawful carry of firearms is allowed on Capitol Grounds, the newly passed public act (13-3) forbids the transporting of firearms that meet the expanded definition of an assault weapon, into most places, including the Capitol. Please be reminded that the carrying of firearms is also banned in Hartford city parks. The Capitol grounds share a boundary with Bushnell park.

About the CCDL:
The Connecticut Citizens Defense League was formed in 2009 by a small group of concerned citizens as a non-partisan organization to advocate second amendment rights in the state of Connecticut. Since their founding, the group has grown to over 6.500+ members from all walks of life. Thanks to this large supportive base across the state the CCDL has become a fixture of the capitol, and well recognized by committees that see firearms related bills. CCDL is also actively involved at the state Board of Firearms Permit Examiners. As the go-to organization in the state they are consulted regularly by lawmakers who have questions and concerns about pending legislation or existing laws. For more information on the CCDL please visit

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Drew Covell

Sad to have heard about the Boston Marathon today, but hoping to have a great day this Saturday. Any further word on the claim from Peter Sachs legality of the Gun law?

Gregory Spyrzynski

ABOUT TIME for “US THE PEOPLE” to start acting… I’ll be there… Greg