USA –-( The Gun Feed is a new Drudge Report style news website that has just been launched.
The Gun Feed is a 24/7 news website that is proudly devoted to the online firearms community, and that showcases the latest firearms news headlines from around the web.
The website will be updated many times throughout the day, everyday and it will feature news links to articles on the second amendment, firearms related politics, guns and gear reviews, new product releases, blogger opinions and commentary, and anything else which comes along that might be of interest to Gunnies.
So go check it out... The website is now officially up and running and the first batch of headlines are now on the website to see. Bookmark it, make it your homepage, and visit back often because it will be getting regular updates from here on out.
BTW – It has a dedicated mobile page too so it works great on mobile devices… No app yet, but it is coming.
All correspondence, advertising inquiries, and news tips can be sent to [email protected]… You can also connect with The Gun Feed on Twitter… @TheGunFeed
Like most things proper use is usually OK. But when you are a communist muslim and hate America, the military and cops then a deranged president becomes a self appointed Hitler type dictator. It is not necessary to eliminate the executive order just limit the power of the AH who issues them.
One thing that the American people need to do is to put a stop to Presidents using Executive Orders for anything. They use it to go around or right through Congress. If we are going to allow Executive orders then what do we need Congress for? They are suppose to be an Equal part of our Government but Obama and now Hillary is already announcing she will go the same route , making Congress a less than the Executive Branch of Government. It actually makes the President more like a King, where no one can challenge his/her thinking or actions.… Read more »
Great stuff, thanks much Ammoland.