Minnesota To Debate Banning Guns at Capitol, Make Your Voice Heard

Minnesota Capitol Building
Minnesota To Debate Banning Guns at Capitol, Make Your Voice Heard
Minnesota Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance
Minnesota Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance

Minnesota –-(Ammoland.com)- Please show up in your GOCRA shirt (or other maroon shirt) Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. in Room 107 of the State Capitol to show your opposition to any new gun bans.

Pack the halls — Again
Please let us know if you can come. If you need a shirt, you can now order in advance and pick it up at the Capitol!

The usual gun-grabbers hope to restrict your right to carry at the capitol, and other St. Paul state government buildings.

The “Advisory Committee on Capitol Security” has scheduled two meetings to review law and policy around firearms at the Capitol Complex, as part of their efforts to make recommendations to the legislature on improvements to Capitol security.

Representative Michael Paymar, a committee member, has repeatedly attempted to pass a law to prohibit law-abiding Minnesotans from carrying at the Capitol.

Of course, this is a solution in search of a problem: we are unable to locate even a single instance where a law abiding gun owner has caused any security concern within the capitol complex.

It is important that we fill the room at both meetings with law abiding gun owners, and nip in the bud any efforts at restricting your rights.

I M P O R T A N T !

We’re the law-abiding Minnesotans:

Please remember that you must notify the commissioner of public safety before carrying at the capitol!

Full info:

  • Wednesday, August 14, 2013
  • Meeting starts at 11:00 a.m.; please arrive by 10:00 for best seating!

Advisory Committee on Capitol Security

  • Room: 107 State Capitol
  • Chair: Lt. Governor Prettner Solon


  • 1. Approval of June 26, 2013 Meeting Minutes, Acceptance of Agenda
  • 2. Committee Focus in 2013
  • 3. Capitol Security Budget Presentation and Discussion – Mark Dunaski and Bob Meyerson
  • 4. Part 1 of 2: Firearms on the Capitol Complex, Overview of current law and policy regarding weapons on the Capitol Complex – Melissa Eberhart
  • 5. Public Comment

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

  • Meeting starts at 10:00 a.m.; please arrive by 9:00 for best seating!
  • Advisory Committee on Capitol Security
  • Room: 112 State Capitol
  • Chair: Lt. Governor Prettner Solon


  • 1. Approval of August 14, 2013 Meeting Minutes, Acceptance of Agenda
  • 2. Part 2 of 2: Firearms on the Capitol Complex, Discussion on Policy Direction, Draft Language
  • 3. Public Comment

About:We are the Minnesota Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance, the organization behind CCRN (Concealed Carry Reform Now!). We are people from all walks of life who have banded together to preserve and protect all of our civil rights as gun owners. Visit: www.gocra.org

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A “gun ban” in the Capital building MUST include ALL guns, whether carried by a grandma or by a LEO, including the potentially outside hired “Security Forces” intended to protect politicians.

NO guns is NO GUNS! Otherwise, authorize any gun carried by any citizen with a ccw permit.