FAIRFAX, Va. –-(Ammoland.com)- Today, Secretary of State John Kerry signed the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty on behalf of the Obama administration.
The National Rifle Association strongly opposes this treaty, which is a clear violation of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
“The Obama administration is once again demonstrating its contempt for our fundamental, individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms,” said Chris W. Cox, executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action.
“This treaty threatens individual firearm ownership with an invasive registration scheme. The NRA will continue working with the United States Senate to oppose ratification of the ATT.”
A bipartisan majority of the U.S. Senate is already on record in opposition to ratification of the ATT. On March 23, the Senate adopted an amendment to its FY 2014 Budget Resolution, offered by Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK), that establishes a deficit-neutral fund for “the purpose of preventing the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.” This amendment is in addition to the previous efforts of Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS) and Rep. Mike Kelly (R-PA) to pass concurrent resolutions opposing the treaty in their respective chambers.
Notably, the ATT includes “small arms and light weapons” within its scope, which covers firearms owned by law-abiding citizens. Further, the treaty urges recordkeeping of end users, directing importing countries to provide information to an exporting country regarding arms transfers, including “end use or end user documentation” for a “minimum of ten years.” Each country is to “take measures, pursuant to its national laws, to regulate brokering taking place under its jurisdiction for conventional arms.” Data kept on the end users of imported firearms is a de-facto registry of law-abiding firearms owners, which is a violation of federal law. Even worse, the ATT could be construed to require such a registry to be made available to foreign governments.
“These are blatant attacks on the constitutional rights and liberties of every law-abiding American. The NRA will continue to fight this assault on our fundamental freedom,” concluded Cox.
Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. More than four million members strong, NRA continues to uphold the Second Amendment and advocates enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the armed services. Be sure to follow the NRA on Facebook at www.facebook.com/
@JasonFerell,you’re ate up with the dumbass !
@DougTheCanuck,yeah and Canada aint got this african born muslim scum either.
The way to stop the violence is to stop the ammo. The second amendment only covers guns but fails to mention anything about ammo.
President Obama could abolish the sale of ammunition with one executive order. He could register all ammo as an NFA regulated product.
I would not worry about it.all they trying to do is scare us.them dumacrat never get my vote.they always want to take things from you and me. Screw them.
These two idiots have just violated their oaths of office and should be impeached. This treaty removes the sovereignty of U.S. law over international law. They have not supported or defended our Constitution. Not only impeach but prosecute them.
Canada won’t sign it.
Jason Farrel,
I suggest you look up how many treaties stayed exactly as originally written after signing. MANY have been “updated” after being signed and all that is needed is a simple majority vote from member nations. THIS TREATY NEEDS TO BE REJECTED BY CONGRESS!!! There are too many countries that would love to see us disarmed!!
People, we have to convince our reps that if they support the signing of this treaty, they WILL lose their jobs next election. This treaty is one of the worst things this government has ever foisted on us hands down! email, write, and call them!! DO IT TODAY!!!!
Remove Obummer from office and hope Joe Biden gets struck by lightning or something like that and you can say, PROBLEM SOLVED.
The NRA should begin the impeachments process!
It is time for inndependents to run for office. The 2 party system does not work. Republicans will run the country bankrupt and democrats will steel your rights.
Kerry may be a scumbag liar and a lowlfie but now he can add TRAITOR to his resume. As far as I am concerned ant treaty with the un is tolite paper.
un American un Elected un Accountable un American
From what I understand, if congress lets the treaty stand, it goes into effect until it is rescinded by vote of congress…? WTF?!!
Constitutionally it cannot stand and we know it. We also know that we would have to force congress to vote against it.
Why the hell aren’t we contacting the provost marshalls to demand arrest of these creeps?
My word, you are a programmer, and you can’t see the “backdoor” in this treaty?
I’d hate to have to troubleshoot your faulty code.
What does the NRA have to do with this?
Why don’t YOU go read it, Jason Ferrell, and if you have half a brain, you’ll see why anyone that holds dear the 2nd Amendment would be strongly opposed to this treaty.
Somehow I don’t think you believe in the right to self-defense… or defense against a tyrannical government.
My word, do people actually read anymore? The bill states, specifically, that is aimed at regulating arms trade between countries and does not have any implications on domestic laws concerning firearms for sovereign countries.
Can the NRA do any more to stir up baseless fear mongering among the idiot population of this country?
This is the “Back Door, Bend-Over and Spread-Em” Registration Scheme Mr. O has wanted all along. Now lets see how loyal his Senate dogs are going to be!