Self Defense & Concealed Carry – Wisconsin Carry Weekly Update

Concealed Caryy Classes
Self Defense & Concealed Carry – Wisconsin Carry Weekly Update
Wisconsin Carry
Wisconsin Carry

Wisconsin –-( Wisconsin Carry had a busy weekend last weekend. 3 free concealed carry classes (one on Saturday in Oak Creek and 2 on Sunday) WGN-TV out of Chicago came to Saturday’s class to film some video for a news report they are doing on Concealed Carry.

See report:

Before Sunday’s class (which was hosted by Kochanski’s Concertina, where the owner shot and killed an armed robber the week before) Wisconsin Carry hosted a press conference with Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke and Vicki McKenna from WISN radio.

Here are some links to media reports of our event:


One of the most notable happenings at the event on Sunday was that Sheriff Clarke announced he would be calling on legislators in Madison to add an amendment to Act 35 which would require guns be returned to citizens who are cleared of any wrongdoing in self-defense shootings within 48 hours.

I also had the owner of the bar as a guest on “Well Armed Radio” Sunday night. It was a great interview with some good insight into the realities of a self-defense shooting. You can hear my interview with Andy Kochanski at the following podcast link:

Interview starts about 15 or 20 minutes into the show.

Please be invited to join us this Sunday night for another broadcast of Wisconsin’s very own gun rights/right-to-carry related radio show, “Well Armed Radio” LIVE at 7:30 pm.

I will be discussing the “return of firearm” proposal Sheriff Clarke offered last Sunday along with a number of other topics you won’t hear in the main-stream media. “Nazir” the armed citizen who shot a robber in Aldi’s last year will be a special guest on the show to talk about his fight with Milwaukee to get his gun back.

You can link to Sunday nights broadcast (and archived broadcasts of past shows) from the following link:

The program now has several sponsors and we will have PRIZES and FREE Giveaways to listeners. Tune in, Call in, BE WELL ARMED!

Carry On,

Nik Clark
Chairman/President – Wisconsin Carry, inc
[email protected]

Host of “Well Armed Radio”
[email protected]

Wisconsin Carry, Inc. is a non-profit corporation dedicated to the preservation and reclamation of the rights of law-abiding Wisconsin residents to carry in the manner of their choosing. We believe that “open carry” and “concealed carry” are choices to be made by law-abiding citizens based on their situation and preference. Wisconsin Carry, like many gun-rights organizations in Wisconsin, is investing a great deal of resources to get Wisconsin law changed to allow concealed carry this next legislative session by proposing Constitutional Carry. Wisconsin Carry, Inc. will continue to use legal recourse to deter unlawful treatment of law-abiding Wisconsin residents who currently exercise their right to open carry, and soon will exercise their right to concealed carry in Wisconsin. Visit:

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I think this is a great place to hold a concealed firearms class. Politicians always want to have children, cops, or some kind of victim to show how they are concerned for the rights of others. To have it at the place of the shooting, was a great idea. These people are sticking this back in the criminals faces. Show the public how concerned citizens are willing to take a class and arm themselves is a great deterrent to would be criminals. To go to the place where the shooting occurs shows these people mean business and aren’t afraid of… Read more »


No, you will never hear about a successful defense of a gun owner against a criminal in any paper, or media, except Fox. The gun grabbers don’t want you to hear about that. They just want you to hear their lies just before they grab your weapon. No one ever mentions criminals unless they are referring to you.