Combative Firearms Instructor Program Launched – Potential to Generate $750,000 of Training Revenue?

Combative Firearms Training
Combative Firearms Instructor Program Launched – Potential to Generate $750,000 of Training Revenue?
Pulse O2DA Firearms Training
Pulse O2DA Firearms Training

Chicago, IL –-( Pulse O2DA Firearms Training, Inc. (Pulse O2DA) recently announced its new Combative Firearms Instructor program.

The Combative Firearms Instructor (CFI) program is an independent firearms training business model. The program is designed for current firearms instructors who want to augment and grow their training practice via combative firearms training courses, programs and merchandise.

The program offers:

  • • World class training and certification process, teaching firearms fundamentals, reality based training, and small unit tactics;
  • • Comprehensive curriculum including training scripts, plans, course and program formats, integrated training manuals, and videos;
  • • Professional marketing support, including POP display, web site development, merchandising elements, sales support and training.

Mike Smock, Cofounder of Pulse O2DA explained the program format: “This is not a business opportunity, franchise or license scheme. CFI candidates pay Pulse O2DA to train and then certify them as Combative Firearms Instructors. Once certified the CFI is then authorized to train others and keeps all resulting revenues. The CFI does not pay Pulse O2DA royalties or any other revenue based fee or commission.”

In addition to a full slate of combative training courses, the CFI can resell Pulse O2DA training manuals and subscriptions to the the Pulse O2DA Armory. Highlights of the CFI program include:

  • • Turnkey combative firearms training program that integrates firearms fundamentals, reality based training, and small unit tactics;
  • • Training Ladder provides opportunity to grow powerful and last relationships with individuals, businesses, and communities;
  • • CFI courses and programs do not compete with existing NRA, CCW, and other entry level courses;
  • • CFI’s can operate independently or partner up with a gun shop or existing Pulse O2DA Authorized Training Partner (ATP);
  • • No franchise fees or royalties are paid. You pay for your training certification and then keep all your revenues.

The inaugural class is now forming and will be held December 1-9, 2013, in the Chicago area. A detailed briefing about the CFI program, including assumptions driving the $750,000 business model, can be found here:

About Pulse O2DA Firearms Training, Inc. We offer training classes, sell manuals and have an on-line subscriber based gun fighting portal called the Pulse O2DA Armory. If you are serious about weapons training and you enjoy learning — not just the mechanics, but also the theory, strategy and tactics that allow you to dominate a lethal threat confrontation — then register for a course, buy our manuals, or subscribe to the Pulse O2DA Armory.

Combative Firearms Instructor Ladder
Combative Firearms Instructor Program Launched – Potential to Generate $750,000 of Training Revenue?