Connecticut Tells Gun Owners, Destroy or Hand Over Rifles & Standard Capacity Magazines

Editors Note: We were forwarded this letter image from an unknown source and have not received any confirmation from CSP on this document but have posted it here as part of the discovery process.

Connecticut State Police Assault Weapon Destruction Letter
Connecticut State Police Assault Weapon Destruction Letter
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Manasquan, NJ –-( Two hundred and fourteen Connecticut residents who tried to comply with the new state laws but were late sending in their state designated “Assault Weapon” and “High Capacity Magazine” registration paperwork are now or will be, getting letters from CT State Police (CSP).  If it is the one above their options will be few… they need to destroy, turn in, sell or remove their personal property from Connecticut or face the law.

Those who fail to do so could face serious criminal penalties. Once people realize they can’t keep the guns and magazines, they’re going to get rid of them, Michael P. Lawlor, the undersecretary for criminal justice policy and planning to Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, says.

If this letter is proved to be real it is confiscation plain and simple. When the state decides your personal property is no longer legal and gives you no options to relive you of your property without compensation, that is the definition of confiscation and a violation of one’s Second and Forth Amendment rights.

Read more “Connecticut Moves One Step Closer To Confiscation Of Guns & Magazines“:

Question: What would you do if you state passed this law? Comply or No Compromise?

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What is the legal definition of an Assault rifle?…I thought the term applied to military weapons that are capable of full automatic firing capabilities…Couldn’t a good lawyer dispute the language…Are my 1860 Henry rifle or my 1873 military Trapdoor Springfield rifle cllassified as Assault weapons?

Sandy Todd

You could have followed the law and just registered – like you do with your conceal carry permits. You chose not to.

Now you can sell your gun to a dealer. That’s compensation.

When you get the grace period because you’re all idiots – and you will – I recommend you follow it. There’s nothing unAmerican about attempting to keep track of guns and requiring that you keep them AND THE BULLETS locked in safes.

Sgt Tackleberry

wake up america… this is only the beginning… ask yourself why CT doesnt enforce the gun statutes it has on the books now for violent offenders and felons but wants your legally owned firearms so bad… its to disarm the patriots.

Big John

I wondered about the date on the letter, too. Evidently the application was received on the 2nd? Regardless, this stinks. If allowed to stand it well may be coming to a state near any and all of us soon! I think I’ll simply not respond if that happens and let the authorities guess whether I’m in compliance or not. No CCW for me, and IF I purchase a weapon it would be private party to private party only!


Mr Williams,

I don’t have and easy answer… It’s a big problem which will require a large number of fighters in your state. If the numbers are not there, your freedom is lost. Maybe their are not enough people in Connecticut who care about their freedom. I don’t know. I believe if that happened in Texas, blood would flow.

Joe Hunter

Come join the movement everyone at We will not surrender anything. Stand up for your rights!