Editors Note: We were forwarded this letter image from an unknown source and have not received any confirmation from CSP on this document but have posted it here as part of the discovery process.

Manasquan, NJ –-(Ammoland.com)- Two hundred and fourteen Connecticut residents who tried to comply with the new state laws but were late sending in their state designated “Assault Weapon” and “High Capacity Magazine” registration paperwork are now or will be, getting letters from CT State Police (CSP). If it is the one above their options will be few… they need to destroy, turn in, sell or remove their personal property from Connecticut or face the law.
Those who fail to do so could face serious criminal penalties. Once people realize they can’t keep the guns and magazines, they’re going to get rid of them, Michael P. Lawlor, the undersecretary for criminal justice policy and planning to Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, says.
If this letter is proved to be real it is confiscation plain and simple. When the state decides your personal property is no longer legal and gives you no options to relive you of your property without compensation, that is the definition of confiscation and a violation of one’s Second and Forth Amendment rights.
Read more “Connecticut Moves One Step Closer To Confiscation Of Guns & Magazines“: https://tiny.cc/t3nubx
Question: What would you do if you state passed this law? Comply or No Compromise?
March 20. 2014 the Gov.office at a news conf.” We are not as people have thought going to have a State police door to door confiscation of assault weapons and high capacity magazines for the gun owners who attempted to register before the deadline, (you should have seen the lines i’m sure she didn’t) we understand the confusion (what confusion) and we are extending deadline date to January 4,2014. This law should never have passed,but it did, and its a sad day for all of us gun owners if we have an assault weapon or HCM or not. To Sandy… Read more »
if I could remember Delaware being the first! what does this make Connecticut the first communist state? let the games begin!!!!
See the Fully Informed Jury Association. As a juror, you have no obligation to enforce Connecticut’s gun laws, or New York’s SAFE Act.