Will Submit Amicus Brief in John M. Drake, et. al. v. Edward A. Jerejian, et. al.

Charlotte, NC –-(Ammoland.com)- The National Rifle Association announced today that it intends to file an amicus brief in a case that would help protect the rights of New Jersey’s law-abiding gun owners to carry handguns outside of their homes for self-defense.
“Law-abiding citizens have a constitutional right to defend themselves beyond their front doorstep,” said Chris W. Cox, Executive Director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action.
“New Jersey law unconstitutionally forces lawful gun owners to prove ‘justifiable need’ in order to carry a handgun for self-defense, showing specific threats, or prior attacks. This is absurd. Our fundamental, individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms is not limited to the home.”
Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit: www.nra.org Be sure to follow the NRA on Facebook at www.facebook.com/NationalRifleAssociation and on Twitter @NRA.
NJ is a will not issue state period! It’s a criminals paradise for murder, carjackings, and robbery. A recent tragic shopping mall carjacking resulted in the death of a young man who valiantly fought off his armed attacker with his bare hands to save his fiancee. This criminal, who has a lengthy criminal past, was released from jail several days before on burglary and resisting arrest charges. A judge lowered his bail from $50,000 to $20,000 with a cash 10 percent option of $2000. (Source NJ Star Ledger). This is one of MANY stories here in New Jersey. The police… Read more »
If you’re buying a gun solely to protect your domicile, anything beyond filling out the 4473 and passing the NICS check is an infringement of your rights.
All well and good but I would prefer suing NJ over its purchase restrictions that make it so difficult to purchase firearms. It does no good to be able to carry a firearm if you find it so burdensome to buy one that you have effectively lost the right to even possess one, let alone carry it.
NRA needs to get seriously involved with the State of N.J. , long overdue.
I read the web page from your California Carry link, and it’s about a unloaded AND loaded open carry. A loaded open carry bill(without CCW) didn’t even pass in Utah last year. So I doubt it’s going to happen in CA. No mind for Utah, since most conceal permit holders here seem to want to remain concealed in public anyway. I just spent all day working on a system as a contractor at a software company in Utah with my concealed sidearm on the entire day. They were none the wiser, and that’s how I want it!
Ironically, the NRA has two lawsuits pending before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals where it argues to uphold California’s 1967 law which makes it a crime to carry a loaded firearm “beyond one’s doorstep.”