Russian 7.62 X 39 Ammo Will Disappear

By Major Van Harl USAF Ret

7.62 X 39 Ammo Easter Egg
Russian 7.62 X 39 Ammo Will Disappear
AmmoLand Gun News
AmmoLand Gun News

Wisconsin –-(  I am old enough to remember buying a used British Enfield military rifle in 1973 at K-Mart for $39.

It was my first center fire rifle and the surplus .303 British military ammo was everywhere and really cheap. So shooting the Enfield through the 1970s was very inexpensive.

Then the Russians invaded Afghanistan. The Brits had been in that area of the world for hundreds of years and the classic photo of an Afghan freedom fighter was a Pashtu, holding his Enfield, with a bandoleer of .303 ammo slung across his chest. The logistics types of the Western world started to buy up all the G.I. .303 ammo they could get their hands on to ship to the (alleged) good-guy Afghan freedom fighters. The cheap shooting ammo for my K-Mart special Enfield rifle forever dried up.

As we use to say in Mississippi “it’s fixin’ to happen again.”

The Russians will invade Ukraine. They are having major training exercises on the Ukraine-Russian border as you read this. Even though Russia has been run by religion-hating communists since 1917 there is still great respect for the Russian Orthodox Church. The Russians are waiting for Easter to get over with before they invade Ukraine.

Usually Orthodox Easter falls a week after the Western Christian Easter Sunday, but not this year. Last year, if Russia had invaded you would have had an extra week to get ready. This year Easter will be on 20 April 2014 for both the East and the West. Those military exercising Russians are only working out the kinks in their plans and adjusting for operational short-falls.

On or about the 21st of April 2014 the Godless (except for the Orthodox ones) past and present communist aggressors will turn their vehicles east and roll into Ukraine. The first Ukrainians they will run into will be Russian-speaking Ukrainians. These less than stellar Ukrainian citizens will be waving Russian flags and handing out free vodka to their perceived liberators. Sort of the way the Ukrainians did with the invading Germans in 1941.

Once the Russian army hordes drink the vodka and steal the flags they will begin suppressing the surprised Russian-speaking Ukrainians. I however will not be surprised. When this happens the rest of the former Soviet satellite countries will panic and realize they should have been spending their new found Euros on weapons and ammo resupply.

They will demand that the West ship them all the 7.62 X 39 ammo, NATO and the EU can find and send it for free, real fast. When this happens the logistics types (yet again) will start issuing purchase orders for every round of available 7.62 X 39 on the free market. This of course will cause the 7.62 X 39 to disappear.

For you non-gun people, 7.62 x 39 is the standard round of ammunition that the Russian AK 47 battle rifle fires. All the countries the old Soviet Union controlled were, and in most cases still are, armed with rifles in that round, but nobody has bought any new, fresh Russian designed rifle ammo in years.

After all, the Russians are the nice guys now, and even if they turn out not to be, the good old USA will always do the heavy lifting for NATO and the EU if a conflict should ever arise.

Black rifles are back on the shelves of gun stores in good supply and good prices again, but this will not last. I was approached for advice on whether to buy a Ruger Mini 14 in 223 Remington or a Ruger Mini 30 in the Russian 7.62 X39. The individual wants a magazine feed, self-loading rifle for social purposes in time of crisis, but also wants to be able to shoot a white tail deer with the Ruger.

I called Tim Sundles at Buffalo Bore Ammunition ( and asked him about it. 223 Remington is a more accurate round and designed to shoot out to beyond 400 yards. The 7.62 x 39 is a 200 yard round and most military ammo is not really designed for hunting. After a long conversation with Tim and given the uncertainty of the future with Mr. Putin, I suggest you stick to the Mini 14 or any other black rifle in 223 Rem.

Buffalo Bore has two loads of 223 Rem that will take care of the deer hunting issue for your self-loading rifle; S223-77/ 20 which uses a 77 grain bullet moving out at 2800fps or the S223-69 which is loaded with a 69 grain bullet at 2900fps. Either of these rounds will stop your white tail or perhaps evil DNA that means to do you harm. Hard times are coming and so are the Russians. Stick to 223 Remington black rifles.

If you do not have one, get one and get your ammunition now, it will only be a short time before the next ammo crisis starts again. This time you may really need the stuff. Happy Easter, while it last.

Major Van Harl USAF Ret. / [email protected]

About Major Van Harl USAF Ret.:Major Van E. Harl USAF Ret., a career Police Officer in the U.S. Air Force was born in Burlington, Iowa, USA, in 1955. He was the Deputy Chief of police at two Air Force Bases and the Commander of Law Enforcement Operations at another. He is a graduate of the U.S. Army Infantry School.  A retired Colorado Ranger and currently is an Auxiliary Police Officer with the Cudahy PD in Milwaukee County, WI.  His efforts now are directed at church campus safely and security training.  He believes “evil hates organization.”  [email protected]

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It’s no secret that the 7.62×39 is a short range round, but a lot of guys hunting deer with an SKS or AR 7.62×39 are doing just fine. My land is so densely wooded I can barely see past 100-150 yards, so long range is not an issue. At this range my AR 7.62×39 packs a pretty good punch for one shot kills! I hunt with quality soft points offered by Remington, Cor Bon, and others readily available on the shelf. Steel cased ammo’s just icing on the cake for inexpensive plinking. The supply may or may not dry up.… Read more »


Didn’t the Russians upgrade to the AK-74 and its 5.45×39 ammo like 2 decades ago?
After all, the Soviet army they inherited did so in the late-70’s.


Dumb article and goofy reasoning. BUT, Russia does manufacture some American sold brands of 5.56 and 7.62×39 ammo. And those like the travel to the space station as well as titanium sales to the U.S. could get real thin. I suspect the only reason their LEADER called our community organizer a bit ago was to tell our community organizer to get the Ukraine to give him an easement travel area and road from Russia to Crimea or else he would do that one way or another.


I will stick to my FN-G1 and my target grade bolt rifle in .308 Components are available and it is a much more robust round then either of those two.


Mine cost me $12.95 at Sears. I later bought a Lee Loader and a Lyman mold for it, the 2 groove bore handled the hard cast loads pretty good.


You are the reason panic starts, and ammo prices rise. I don’t even know where to start ridiculing this “article”…and considering you cannot even spell ‘disappear’ – I will make it simple and bullet point my arguments for you. Who was president when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan? Answer: Not Obama. Close, but no cigar. 303 was fairly readily available through the early 21st century. It might have gone up in price, but it never “dried up” immediately following the invasion. Not to mention… How out of mass production was good .303 when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan? Answer: Very. By decades.… Read more »

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