GRPC & Leadership Institute To Offer Free Pro-Gun Activism Course

Second Amendment Foundation
Second Amendment Foundation

Chicago, IL –-( The 29th annual Gun Rights Policy Conference Sept. 26, 27, and 28 2014, in Chicago features an expansive lineup of key Second Amendment activists and leaders like Alan Gottlieb, Joe Tartaro, Alan Gura, Larry Pratt, John Fund, John Lott, Dave Kopel, and Joe Tartaro.

You’ll get the inside scoop from the leaders in the gun rights movement, then what?

This is a critical time to get involved to fight the anti-gunners. Our opponents are well organized and very well-funded. We have to have a game plan and can’t let our guard down.

You can make a difference on both a local and national level. But where exactly should you start?

Leadership Institute
Leadership Institute

To increase the knowledge, ability, and effectiveness of pro-gun grassroots activists, the Second Amendment Foundation and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms have partnered with the Leadership Institute to offer an exclusive pro-gun activism course specifically tailored to gun rights supporters that want to make a difference.

This training and grassroots workshop will take place after the closing remarks of the 29th Annual Gun Rights Policy Conference. The workshop will start at 1:30 p.m. and continue until 3:30 p.m. in the Rosemont Ballroom.

We need to know if you plan on attending this additional FREE workshop. Simply send a reply e-mail to this message from [email protected]

The Gun Owners Elected Official Accountability Workshop

Being an effective campaign activist is only the beginning of the battle. Gun Owners must hold their elected officials accountable to the voters and the constitution.

The gun rights workshop is a unique program to help maximize the effectiveness of Gun Owners as citizen lobbyists.

Topics covered include the following:

  • Understanding the System
    • What is legislation?
    • Lay of the land—The office of a Legislator
    • Friend or foe: Researching the official
  • Persuasive Communications
    • Developing your message
    • Targeting your messaging effort
    • The principles of pleasure and pain
  • Traditional Citizen Lobbying
    • Getting a whip count
    • Forcing politicians to get on the record
    • How to apply pressure
  • New Generation Lobbying
    • Basics of digital advocacy
    • How to build and mobilize an email list
    • Using social media to lobby

Again, if you do plan on attending this additional FREE workshop, simply send a reply e-mail  to [email protected] saying that you would like to participate!

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Please, make a video of the pro gun activism class available, Please, Please… this is a no brainer if you want to multiply your effectiveness. Oh, and did I say “please”?

Mary Stevens

We are hoping to have a very large presence of sign waver’s and supporters of Initiative 591 at the annual event here in Anacortes called the “Oyster Run” Sunday, Sept 28th in Anacortes to pass out bumper stickers, signs & info on Commercial Ave as the expected 30,000 bikes slowly come into Anacortes. The location of the “Oyster Run Rally” is at Select Styling, 2101 Commercial Ave from 10 am to 4pm. We have lots of signs, banners and Flags. The bikers and others attending are usually supportive and will take our handouts. This will also be a great opportunity… Read more »