USA – -(Ammoland.com)- On June 12, 2014, the New York State Intelligence Center (a Fusion Center) issued a Counter Terrorism Bulletin in which they identified the New York State Oath Keepers organization, as well as other Liberty-type groups, as a far-right extremist group and/or a threat to law enforcement.
On August 11, 2014, the New York Oath Keepers sent out correspondence to both the Governor and the Superintendent of the New York State Police clearly pointing out the New York State Intelligence Center’s faulty logic and misstatements of fact that were used to politically demonize the New York Oath Keeper organization whose clearly stated nonpartisan mission is simply to encourage our Military and Law Enforcement Officers, and others, to honor their oaths to the United States and New York State Constitutions.
In that correspondence, we requested that the officials at the NYSIC issue a public correction, indicating their error in classifying New York Oath Keepers as a far-right extremist group and/or a threat to law enforcement. We also requested a meeting with the Governor, the Superintendent of the New York State Police and/or officials from other NYSIC member organizations, so we could address any misinformation and misunderstandings about the New York Oath Keepers mission.
We told them that it is our goal to see this extremely prejudicial “far-right extremist” label retracted and the necessary corrections made to the Bulletin.
A month and a half has passed and neither the Governor nor the Superintendent of the New York State Police has seen fit to even reply to our original correspondence.
So, today the New York Oath Keepers, an organization consisting of thousands of active duty and retired military, police and fire personnel, who have at one or more times in their lives taken an Oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, sent them a second letter. We also sent a letter to the Special Agent in Charge of the Albany Office of the FBI, as they are also key members of the NYSIC.
In the latest correspondence, the New York Oath Keepers told the Governor, the head of the NY State Police and the Albany Office of the FBI that our Oaths do not expire and we take these Oaths with the upmost seriousness. As officials who have also sworn similar Oaths, we reminded the three officials of their Oaths and just how important this issue is to us, as well as to thousands of other New Yorkers.
We told them that is was our right as American citizens to have the opportunity to restore the New York Oath Keepers good name, which has been wrongly defamed by this seemingly arbitrary NYSIC conclusion, being the result of false information and unreasonable logic.
We have, therefore, for the second time, formally requested a meeting with the Governor and/or with other officials associated with the NYSIC.
Below is a copy of the letter we sent to Governor Andrew Cuomo.
The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo Governor of New York State NYS State Capitol Building Albany, NY 12224Dear Governor Cuomo,
RE: NYSIC Bulletin New York State Counter Terrorism Bulletin: CTM 14-07: Recent Spike In Violence Targeting Law Enforcement dated June 12, 2014 that mistakenly identifies the New York Oath Keepers as a far-right extremist group and/or a threat to law enforcement, as well as our previous correspondence to you on this subject dated August 11, 2014.
In our previous correspondence to you on August 11, 2014 (copy attached), we clearly pointed out the unreasonable logic and misstatements of fact that were used by the New York State Intelligence Center (NYSIC) to politically demonize the New York Oath Keeper organization whose clearly stated nonpartisan mission is to encourage our Military and Law Enforcement Officers, and others, to honor their oaths to the United States and New York State Constitutions.
In our pursuit of truth and fairness, we requested that the officials at the NYSIC issue a public correction, indicating their error in classifying New York Oath Keepers as a far-right extremist group and/or a threat to law enforcement. We also requested a meeting with the Superintendent of the New York State Police and officials from other NYSIC member organizations, so we could address any misinformation and misunderstandings about the New York Oath Keepers mission. It is our goal to see this extremely prejudicial “far-right extremist” label retracted and the necessary corrections made to the Bulletin.
As of the date of this correspondence, we have not received a reply from your office, nor from the Superintendent of the New York State Police.
Governor, we are an organization consisting of thousands of active duty and retired military, police and fire personnel, who have at one or more times in our lives taken an Oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. These Oaths do not expire and we take them with the utmost seriousness. As someone who has sworn similar Oaths, no doubt you will find yourself in agreement on these points, and understand just how important this issue is to us, as well as to thousands of other New Yorkers.
We are confident you will see it proper that we receive the opportunity to restore the New York Oath Keepers good name, which has been wrongly defamed by this seemingly capricious and arbitrary NYSIC conclusion, being the result of false information and unreasonable logic.
Therefore we are, for the second time, formally requesting a meeting and dialogue with a representative from your office and/or the Superintendent of the New York State Police.
Please have your representative and/or a representative of the Superintendent of the New York State Police contact John Wallace, Acting President of New York Oath Keepers at 518.392.7062 or email him at John@NewYorkOathkeeper.com to arrange a meeting at the Capitol or at the New York State Police headquarters.
Respectfully, John Wallace, Acting President, New York Oath Keepers (US Army-NYARNG; Lt. Col. NYSP Ret) Dan Devlin, Vice President, New York Oath Keepers (MP US Army; PHX, AZ PD) Frank Morganthaler, Vice President, New York Oath Keepers (USMC; Lt. FDNY Ret) John Mahoney, Special Advisor, New York Oath Keepers (Sgt NYPD Ret; USMC; Special Forces Trainer, US Army Ret)
Below are the links to the 2 letters sent to Governor Cuomo:
- https://www.newyorkoathkeepers.com/OathKeepers-NY-2014-0925-FollowUpLetter-to-GovernorCuomo-NYSIC.pdf
- https://www.newyorkoathkeepers.com/OathKeepers-NY-2014-0811-Letter-to-GovernorCuomo-NYSIC.pdf
HERE IS A LINK TO THE ORIGINAL NYSIC BULLETIN that lists Michael Brian Vanderboegh as well as New York Oath Keepers:
CONTACT INFO: John Wallace Acting President – New York Oath Keepers Chatham, NY 518-392-7062 www.NewYorkOathKeepers.com (End New York Oath Keepers Press Release) Oath Keepers national salutes New York Oath Keepers for digging in and standing tall on this. Let’s all help them spread this around, yes?
The more the OK is seen in public helping the citizens and at functions that assist and help think in the right direction for all could be a good thing. There is backing in PR – AZ. Ect. To help people in times of need in which is great.Just maybe more people would understand more that we are for the people by the people to help to make life better for all the people.
@oldshooter, Yeah that’s the way they see it. If you ever handled a gun and had training (God forbid) then you are a dangerous menace to society (the one they wish to create anyway) and cannot be trusted with firearm ownership.
Pertaining to those in item #2, yes they are the most dangerous to our country and it’s security.
So that logically means that ALL active duty and military veterans, serving and retired LEOs, and, among others, ALL politicians, must inevitably be either:
1) dangerous right wing extremists, or
2) liars/perjurers who took their oaths of office “with intent to deceive” (as the oaths say).
So I guess the only remaining question is: Which group; those who honor their oaths, or those who perjured themselves and don’t, is actually more dangerous to the national security? Hmmmnnn….
You don’t really believe that the governor or any of the others you mention give a rat’s ass about your complaint, do you? They are democrats interested only in their own welfare, and could care less about representing you or most of their constituents – especially if you want your freedoms and good name back.
Sue for slander defamation of character. Use the courts against NYS. All they understand in New York is losing money.