New York –-( The following letter was sent to all of the New York State Senate Republicans and encourages them to do more for Rob Astorino in the last week of the campaign.
We encourage you to share this letter with your friends and family and, more importantly, contact these senators directly and let them know Rob Astorino deserves their support. In addition, we also would like you to consider donating directly to Rob Astorino’s campaign yourselves. It is not too late to make a difference. Together, we can win on Election Day.
Open letter to State Sens. Kenneth P. LaValle, John J. Flanagan, Philip M. Boyle, Carl L. Marcellino, Kemp Hannon, Jack M. Martins, Dean Skelos, Martin J. Goldin, Andrew J. Lanza, Gregory R. Ball, Bill Larkin, Kathy Marchione, Tom O’Mara, James L. Seward, Michael H. Ranzenhofer, Lee Zeldin, John Bonacic, Betty Little, Joseph Griffo, Patty Ritchie, Hugh Farley, John DeFrancisco, Thomas W. Libous, Michael Nozzolio, Joseph Robach, Catharine Young, Patrick Gallivan, George Maziarz and Mark Grisanti.
Dear public servants,
It is of the most vital concern that we reach out to you today. The future of New York State is at stake.
One week from tomorrow, millions of New Yorkers will select their next governor. On one side is a corrupt Democrat incumbent whose penchant for pay-to-play, self-serving, transactional politics has propelled this once great state ever faster down a death spiral. On the other side is Rob Astorino, a fresh Republican challenger who is unafraid to fight against great odds and who has vowed a major course correction, one that will bring New York forward into a winning future.
Yet Astorino has received very little support from Senate Republicans. Many of you are pathetically resigned to surviving off the scraps from Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s table. Others are full of big words against Cuomo, but when he comes to your districts, you grovel before him to kiss his ring.
A select few of you have shown, through your votes against the NY SAFE Act and either your campaign contributions to Astorino or your endorsements, that you are unafraid of Cuomo. Sens. Bill Larkin, Kathy Marchione, Tom O’Mara, James L. Seward and Michael H. Ranzenhofer have earned our support.
The grassroots movement against the SAFE Act has involved dozens of groups around the state and, more importantly, hundreds of thousands of motivated and angry individual citizens.
On Nov. 4, we will have our first chance to have our voices heard in a general election. And we are confident those voices will echo across the nation. But this is just the beginning. In the last 20 months, many of us have joined our local Republican committees. Some have even been voted onto the state GOP committee. Others are active in the Conservative Party.
But even more importantly, we are all paying attention and have long memories. No matter what happens on Election Day, WE ARE NOT GOING AWAY.
For those of you who voted for Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s SAFE Act, your travesty is considered unforgivable by many, and rightly so. You are not fit to sit in the Senate, let alone fill leadership roles. But you have a chance at redemption by either supporting Astorino financially or by issuing a public endorsement.
For those of you who have neither endorsed Astorino nor donated to his campaign, there simply is no excuse. Nearly all of you have campaign accounts measured in six and seven figures with weak or no opposition in the general election. In fact, records indicate that although Senate Republicans collectively have $13.2 million on hand, you have donated just $5,775 to Astorino. You have one week to redeem yourselves.
For those of you who have done the right thing by voting against the SAFE Act and supporting Astorino, we thank you. But Astorino still needs help and anything more that can be done to assist will no doubt aid him in this historic battle.
For those of you who lack the conviction to save New York State, we expect it will not end well for you. Your destiny will be to forever languish under the boot of the New York City Democrat Machine or be replaced by those in New York who have the guts to stand up for liberty.
Your time to act is now. We are watching.
Sincerely,Jake Palmateer
NY2A Grassroots Coalition
About New York 2nd Amendment Coalition
The NY2A Grassroots Coalition is exactly what our name implies: we are a coalition of grassroots organizations committed to defeating the NY SAFE Act and the legislators who voted for it! We are a mechanism for grassroots groups across New York to share ideas and coordinate efforts because we are more effective if we are working together. Below is a list of groups who are part of our coalition.
Is your group actively working to support the 2nd Amendment and fight back against the NY SAFE Act? Let us know if your group wants to join NY2A! And be sure to personally join in this fight by submitting your contact information on the home page!
NY2A Grassroots Coalition Information:
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: @NY2Agrassroots
I would like to say to all the elected officials that voted to support the Safe Act, I would like to see them gone, out of office because, they took and oath to support our constitution, our civil liberties and our civil rights and have violated that oath period. We the people can’t take chances with people that say one thing before their in office and find out after their in they violated us again.