New Jersey Arrests 72 Year Old For Antique Flintlock Pistol Possession ~ Video

Gordon Van Gilder Antique Flintlock Pistol
Gordon Van Gilder Antique Flintlock Pistol
NRA News
NRA News

Fairfax, VA –-( After Shaneen Allen and Brian Aitken, you’d think that officials in New Jersey would have finally figured out that they need to stop persecuting honest gun owners and instead do their job — targeting hardened criminals.

Well apparently not, at least not in Cumberland County.

72-year old retired teacher and military academy graduate Gordon Van Gilder was stopped by a Cumberland County sheriff’s deputy for a minor traffic violation.  When he volunteered that he had an antique flintlock pistol with him, he was promptly arrested and charged with unlawful possession of a handgun, which carries up to a ten-year prison sentence.  Van Gilder’s case is currently stalled while prosecutors claim they are doing “ballistics testing” on the 300-year-old, smooth-bore collectible.

For the details of this latest travesty in New Jersey’s relentless assault on law-abiding gun owners and firearms freedoms, watch this hard-hitting story by Ginny Simone of NRA News.

If you’d like to contribute to Mr. Van Gilder’s legal defense fund, you can do so here:

Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America’s oldest civil rights and sportsmen’s group. Four million members strong, NRA continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation’s leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the military. Visit:

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No ex-post facto , it’s 300 years old predates all laws. Cutoff NJ road Federal funding.


The law also says it’s illegal to be an illegal alien and they get away with it


He was my English teacher in H.S. Mr. VanGilder is a good man. This is tragic and unjust.


When is the NRA going to lead the revolt? It’s way beyond time…

michael verrillo

i have one question did he have a purchaser identification card for new jersey? I know new jersey gun laws suck but laws are laws,,,,

m. j. zuzich

Ballistic tests on a 300 year old flintlock… pure unadulterated horse pucky! This weapon can only be considered personal property as its’ value is in its’ possession -as a collectors item. This Sherriff should have exercised his discretion, and given his deputy a size eleven -right up the deputy’s back-side! Outrageous!

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