Democrat? What Democrat – Missing Words To Fit The Narrative

I Dislike Democrats
Democrat? What Democrat – Missing Words To Fit The Narrative

PHOENIX, AZ –-( The lamestream media told you:

“Salem, Ore. — Gov. John Kitzhaber resigned office Friday amid allegations of criminal wrongdoing, almost exactly one month after being sworn in for an unprecedented fourth term. Secretary of State Kate Brown will replace him. His resignation is effective Wednesday, he said Friday in a letter… He appears to be the first Oregon governor to face an AG investigation…” Two other investigations are underway as well, involving 11 state agencies and at least 17 individuals…

The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

The entire Page One story failed to identify the party of the Governor, so appearing as it did in USA Today, that means he must have been a Democrat. One quick check online and sure enough, yup he was a Democrat. Why let the enormous humiliation and embarrassment of such disgrace be associated directly with the Democrat party, when you can simply leave out the word.

The media still persists in referring to Michael Brown as “an unarmed black man shot by police” instead of the more accurate “a black man shot while attempting to steal a police officer’s gun.” The officer was exonerated of any wrong do whatsoever, and reports of Brown having his hands raised were completely discredited by the U.S. attorney general, who is black.

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VT Patriot

Shocked I tell you, shocked. I can’t imagine them leaving off his party affiliation. When I first read it, I figured it wasa republican as they love to make front page news out of repubs. But when the lead in didn’t say “Republican Gov admits to being most corrupt in history of the world”, I figured it was a demonrat.