Paso Robles, Calif.—Inspired by the Women of Weatherby™ and their passion for hunting and shooting, Brenda Weatherby, wife of Weatherby’s Chief Operating Officer, Adam Weatherby, started her own journey into firearms and hunting last year. An ultra-competitive athlete in high school and college, Brenda brings the same dedication to the shooting sports that she did to basketball, volleyball and pole vaulting, discovering that hunting and shooting are every bit as exciting and challenging as those sports.
“I have always loved to compete,” said Brenda Weatherby. “With everything I have competed in, I’ve been dedicated to the training and practice part of it.  With hunting, it’s no different.”
For Brenda, the journey began with a hunter safety course she and her daughter took together, followed by extensive practice at the shooting range.
“I didn’t really think I had any business hunting until I spent lots of time at the range,” she said. “I started going to the range alone, learning about various guns and how they worked. I found this to be really challenging and fun. It allowed me to learn at my own pace, in a very controlled environment, and gave me a lot of confidence.”
Now, with her first few hunts behind her, Brenda’s eager to go afield as much as possible, including a black tail deer hunt this fall. Her advice to other women?
“I think it comes down to confidence and the boldness to try new things without fear of failure.  For females, that could be hunting, shooting–anything they have heard people tell them that they couldn’t do.  I am a huge proponent of trying new things in a low pressure environment with people you love and those friends you’ve yet to meet. And being out in nature just tops it all off.”
Read about Brenda’s journey into the world of shooting and hunting at the Women of Weatherby Blog at: https://www.womenofweatherby.com/blog/im-a-weatherby-but-i-havent-always-been-one/
Confidence. Boldness. Passion. That’s what the Women of Weatherby is all about, a sisterhood providing educational information about the shooting sports, and offering the industry’s first rifle specifically for women, designed by women. With this foundation, Women of Weatherby inspires the dreams of women at every level of hunting and shooting.
Weatherby has devoted an exclusive website to this campaign, www.WomenofWeatherby.com. Connect with it today and share the thrill of the hunt!