FSU President Flip-flopped on Campus Carry 4 Times

By Marion P. Hammer

Marion P. Hammer
Marion P. Hammer

Florida -(AmmoLand.com)- The media love to expose the underbelly of politicians whether it favors their own position or not.

Changing positions on issues only once apparently is acceptable but multiple times on the same issue rankles even the most understanding and tolerant person. It is particularly significant when someone who uses his/her position to expend state funds to lobby the legislature against the constitutional rights of the people who pay those taxes.

Further, it is egregious when that position and power can be used to curtail First amendment rights to keep others from speaking out against the administration on Second Amendment rights.

Conservative, pro-campus carry faculty members and employees have expressed fear of retaliation if they speak out in support of issues which the anti-gun administration opposes. There is a chill and a suppression of First Amendment rights when it comes to speaking out on gun rights. If you support the administration’s position, you’re golden. If you oppose their position, they’re afraid to speak out.

The following article published in the Sarasota Herald-Tribune strikes at the heart of the problem of people of power forgetting their true obligation.

About Unified Sportsmen of Florida (USF):

Organized in 1976, with the assistance of the National Rifle Association, Unified Sportsmen of Florida (USF) is a non-profit membership organization incorporated under the laws of Florida. Affiliated with NRA as the Florida Legislative affiliate, USF is an independent organization dependent on membership dues and contributions for financial support. Unified Sportsmen of Florida was organized for the purpose of protecting the firearms rights of all law-abiding firearms owners in Florida and to preserve the firearms rights guaranteed in the United States and Florida Constitutions.

For more information, visit: www.scgaa.org/usf.pdf.

Marion P. Hammer is a past president of the National Rifle Association and current executive director of Unified Sportsmen of Florida.

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Carry that gun every where. Gun free zones are nothing but killing zones.


Another college my daughter will not be attending…