Inside Outdoor Life’s “Meat Issue”

The December/January issue of Outdoor Life gets into how the sausage is made. On newsstands and the iPad now.


Outdoor Life

United States -( The first Outdoor Life issue of 2016 focuses on the force that drives many editors and readers to hunt: meat.

Editor-in-Chief Andrew McKean writes, “Like most of you, I hunt for a lot of reasons: to be challenged in a way I’m not in the rest of my life; to feel that little tightening of my stomach that I felt was I was 14 years old and anything was possible; and to spend time outside with people I love. But mainly, I hunt to feed my family.”

Outdoor Life charts the transition from hunter to provider.

Making Meat: While hipsters would like the world to believe they invented the demand for organic, free-range, locally-sourced meat, hunters know better. ‘Tis the season to stock your larder. From winter cow elk hunts to high-volume pigeon shoots and even roadkill opportunities, here are easy, cost-effective ways to fill your freezer and feed your family. Page 47

Butcher Better: Ever wonder what happens to your game after you drop it off at the processor? An Outdoor Life editor worked the floor of a family butcher shop during the busiest weekend of hunting season. What we learned will make you a more efficient and effective game processor. Page 57

Meat Manifesto: While the health and ecological costs of farmed meat are well documented, there is little information about the value of wild meat. But the future of hunting depends on our advocacy of wild protein: sharing wild meat is participating in an essential human sacrament. Wild meat is no game. Page 72

Bargain Blades: Can you buy a solid hunting knife for less than $50? Oh, yeah. But beware overbuilt, underperforming dogs. The quality of price-point hunting knives is generally good, but it’s worth checking the blade steel. Page 28

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