By Mike Searson

USA –  -( Glock’s new pistols for 2016 included two of their earliest models (G17 and G19) updated with the MOS (Modular Optic System), we looked at the Model 17MOS in another article, now we will delve into the G19MOS aka Glock 19 MOS Pistol.
Hold your horses, cowboy, what do you mean by a G19 with an MOS? That’s a subcompact piece that you can’t run in a shooting match with any hope for success. Why the heck would you want to mount a red dot on the smaller 9mm Glock?
Holographic sights have come a long way since their first use in IPSC 25+ years ago. The new sights are lighter, more rugged and much smaller. So much so that you can carry a pistol with a red dot in a daily duty or CCW holster.
We were first made aware of this around 2002 or 2003 when noted combatives trainer Kelly McCann had his carry G19 fitted with a Docter Optik red dot sight. When a former FAST (Fleet Anti-Terrorist Security Team) Company Marine who teaches fighting skills to undercover operatives and contractors who go into harm’s way on a daily basis does something like that, you may want to write it down.

Glock 19 MOS Pistol The Good
As with the Glock 17 MOS, we ran the G19 MOS with factory sights and at least base lined that we had an accurate and reliable pistol from the start.
Instead of ringing steel, we set up a paper target to see if there was a true advantage to the Burris Fast Fire over the factory sights.

Glock 19 MOS Pistol The Bad
Our only real gripe with the factory MOS is that it kills your ability to run your factory sights as a backup when the optic is installed. If the dot fails, you need to get up to speed on your point shooting, unless you install taller iron sights.
That is the only flaw we see in this model as this pistol is more intended for defensive carry or use in the home. If the sight breaks down in a gun fight, we want to be able to return fire.
The only other is that Burris is not mentioned in the literature as a compatible sight. This might be a minor oversight on Glock’s part, but we have been running a Fast Fire 2 on our G40 in 10mm for a few months and moved it over to the two new MOS models for this review. If you want to run the Burris, it uses the Trijicon RMR mount.

Glock 19 MOS Pistol The Reality
A red dot equipped G19 MOS may be one of the fastest pistols you can get into action, whether you are shooting a match or for every day concealed carry. We had no issues fitting the pistol into our assortment of holsters with the Burris Fast Fire in place and unless you are running a thumb break or have some other high ride holster; you should have no problems either.
We definitely see this configuration going on to greater things in the CCW realm as well as law enforcement. Use of red dot sights continues to improve with each passing year.
About Mike Searson
Mike Searson’s career as a shooter began as a Marine Rifleman at age 17. He has worked in the firearms industry his entire adult life as a Gunsmith, Ballistician, Consultant, Salesman, Author and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1989.
Mike has written over 2000 articles for a number of magazines, websites and newsletters including Blade, RECOIL, OFF-GRID, Tactical Officer, SWAT, Tactical World, Gun Digest, and the US Concealed Carry Association as well as AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.
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Considering one for my wife – what kind of kick do they have?
One of the advantages to a red dot sight that is rarely mentioned is its wonderful utility for older people with diminished near vision. I am 58 years old and have had LASIK surgery. LASIK surgery solves the far vision problem, so I can see the target very clearly at far distances. But LASIK doesn’t correct near vision problems, so conventional sights are somewhat blurry for me, especially in contexts in which lighting is dim. This is true even of sights that have a bright colored, large front dot, such as Trijicon HDs, although I can see the HDs better… Read more »
Suppressor sights solve that problem. Just co-witness with your red dot.
A Laser max sight solves the backup sight problem the Glock gen 4 has NO problems