By David Codrea
USA – -( “It has come to the attention of PPN that many individuals are responding to this news as a ‘Call to Action,’” the Pacific Patriots Network advised followers after the arrest of key Malheur Wildlife Refuge leaders and the shooting death of group spokesman LaVoy Finicum. “[PPN] is issuing an immediate ‘STAND BY’ Order to all those who are mobilizing to the peaceful city of Burns, Oregon.
“We will not pursue any action until all of the facts have been pieced together regarding the traffic stop and the arrest of Ammon Bundy,” the advisory explained. “During this time, cooler heads must prevail. We do not wish to inflame the current situation and will engage in open dialogue until all of the facts have been gathered.”
That’s sound thinking, especially since conflicting accounts of what happened have emerged. One purported eyewitness essentially claims Finicum was executed, while others who say they were present allege he was advancing on authorities. This is where dash-cam videos from the police cars present will be indispensable.
UPDATE: Overhead FBI Drone Footage Released
Regardless, there are deep divisions evident by comments under news accounts, some rejoicing in the law enforcement response and others decrying it as totally unnecessary and heavy-handed. And there is mounting anger which could flare and spread, something this column warned about when the story first broke. The last thing needed now is for loose cannons like the guy claiming to be a retired Green Beret colonel (who says his service record was sealed by Ronald Reagan) to show up, threatening to kill cops arresting him for DUI.
Forward Observer director Sam Culper’s SITREP of the situation on the ground at Malheur was posted on the Oath Keepers website. Of special note:
Blaine Cooper has reportedly assumed leadership at the Refuge and has been told to leave immediately. During a phone call with Pete Santilli, Pete can be overheard saying, “Blaine, please don’t do this.” Blaine is reportedly wanting to make a stand. Women and children are still at the Refuge.
Information since gleaned from other sources indicates the women and children have now removed themselves, leaving a handful of armed occupiers determined not to leave.
A press conference was held today by the FBI, posted on
“Containment road blocks are now in place around the Refuge,” Greg Bretzing, Special Agent in Charge, FBI Portland, announced. “If the people at the refuge want to leave, they can do so through the checkpoints where they will be identified. If they have questions or concerns, they can call the negotiators at the number that has been provided to them.”
Now that “authorities” have drawn first blood under disputed circumstances — with no grievance issues resolved — it’s anyone’s guess what, when and where the next move will be, and importantly, by whom.
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.
He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and also posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
Maybe this whole land grab thing is about paying off the American Governments Debt to foreign governments. I don’ t know the amounts but China, Russia, Great Britain are owed large sums of money that the American government can’t pay back. I just read an article about how Saudi Arabia is taking over vast tracks of land in Arizona and growing feed for Cattle and horses and using our land and water then sending the feed back to there home land, why use up there resources when they can use up ours. I lived in Reno, NV for over 10yrs.… Read more »
You do not reach for something with the FBI they don’t fool around.
La Voy was being stupid. He ran from the police, he tried to run a roadblock. He nearly hit someone. Then instead of staying in his vehicle with his hands in view he got out of his vehicle. They knew he was armed and he reached into his jacket not once but twice before he was shot. You can clearly see in the video the police not raising his weapon until LaVoy reached into his jacket twice for a loaded gun. If you reach for a weapon then they are going to shoot in self defense. Maybe this is what… Read more »
he didnt get out of the truck armed threatening anyone, he didnt pull out a gun the first time he reached to his left side, the guy in front of him didnt shoot, the guy in back of him shot him in the back..what Levoy was thinking doesnt matter, did you see a gun?…no!!…did you shoot him in the back?..yes because “I thought” he was reaching for a gun, there was at least 10 guns trained on him, and the guy that killed him shot him in the back when nobody seen a gun, people should demand he be prosecuted… Read more »
He did the right thing other than all out fight and get everyone in the vehicle shot to pieces. He got out and with hands up surrendered-good! Then he got stupid and went into his jacket (twice). What the hell are the LEOs to believe? Wait and see what he pulls out-not likely, so he got shot and killed–what would you do if this were in your house-wait for the trespasser to go into his jacket? Bottom line when it comes to resisting arrest-anywhere. The LEOs must act as if you are trying to kill them-their only choice, so they… Read more »
The autopsy results will be interesting. There was a rifleman in the woods behind Mr. Finicum. The dashboard cams may not provide any evidence as he was well off the road to the side of the vehicle. While I saw the fuzzy helicopter or drone aerial video what occurred still remains unclear. That he tried to run an officer over is unclear as well. It appears more like the officer tried to jump in the way of the truck to attempt a stop. At the final stop, Mr. Finicum emerges with his hands up and does not appear at any… Read more »