Far Left Dems vs. the Blue Collar Billionaire

John Snyder
John M. Snyder

USA –  -(Ammoland.com)- In early March, a self-appointed American Catholic intelligentsia of about 40 individuals released an open letter opposing the presidential candidacy of Donald J. Trump.

The gang of 40 wrote that Trump’s record and campaign “promise only the further degradation of our politics and our culture.”

In taking this position, the gang of 40 joined other establishmentarian Americans turning up their noses at the candidacy of the international New York real estate developer.

The gang thinks a Trump presidency would undermine Catholic insistence on the sanctity of human life, religious freedom, traditional marriage, and limited constitutional government informed by the Catholic principle of subsidiarity.

Wendy Long, the Republican and Conservative nominee for the U.S. Senate in New York, challenged the gang’s open letter in a LifeZette March 9 posting. She skewered the open letter’s arguments.

Ms. Long wrote that Trump “is forging a historic realignment of American politics, breaking down the traditional lines that really served the Establishment on both sides. Trump speaks for the forgotten middle and working classes, and for those who wish they had work but don’t. When he says, ‘we love the poorly educated,’ he really means ‘love.’ (Note: Love is a Catholic value.)”

Beyond what Ms. Long has stipulated, let us point out that the gang of 40 lacks historic and political perspective. As creatures of God, put on earth in the United States here and now, we must work out our salvation with Jesus Christ here and now. That means we’ve got to work with what we’re given, to overcome evil with good insofar as the grace we’ve been given enables us to do so.

What that means, specifically, is that we must work with God’s help to defeat the satanic entity that the Democratic Party has become, and to upend the political candidacies of the servants of evil promoted by that entity.

That entity’s probable presidential nominee this year is Hillary Rodham Clinton. She promotes abortion, same-sex marriage, self-defense emasculation through private gun prohibition, and the LGBT agenda.

It seems to this columnist that Catholic Americans have a moral duty to oppose her candidacy. Who is better able among Republican candidates to oppose and defeat her than Donald Trump? The blue collar billionaire connects with average people like no other candidate. That’s why he is consistently the front runner among Republicans.

America first champion Trump can beat one world mouthpiece Clinton this year. Trump’s turning out new potential GOP supporters by the millions in primaries and rallies, far more than his Republican opponents. Trump has the pulse of the nation. Pessimists who cite polls to support their hesitancy should remember that Ronald Reagan was way behind Jimmy Carter in polls at the beginning of the 1980 campaign.

He won in a landslide and became one of our greatest presidents.

People favor Trump over Clinton because of their disgust with Clinton’s support for NAFTA, the WTO, MFN for China, amnesty and citizenship for illegal immigrants, and the Iraq and Libyan failures. To the people, Trump’s in right on these and other matters. They think he will reverse policies that led to the destruction of American manufacturing, the loss of millions of factory jobs, the lowering of wages, and the massive influx of illegal immigrants, including radical Islamist terrorist sleepers.

As the Republican presidential nominee, Trump could excoriate Clinton like nobody else, smash her campaign, and assist any number of down-ballot GOP candidates.

Some may not prefer Trump for a number of personal reasons, but his financial independence, stated positions on a number of issues, in-your-face campaign style, unique persona and identity with voters make him the best available presidential GOP candidate this election cycle.

Some lay Catholics and priests may object to Trump’s personal life-style as a younger man. Let them remember we’re choosing a president, not a pope. Let them remember, too, especially in this Vatican-proclaimed Year of Mercy, that Our Lord is a merciful God.

Let them remember that when David was king of ancient Israel, he lusted for Bathsheba, committed adultery with her, and then conspired murderously to have her husband killed. He repented sincerely of his sins, received God’s forgiveness and even blessing, became a great leader of his people, and established the house through which God Himself became incarnate as Jesus Christ.

Let us pray in Christ for the forgiveness of our sins, for the gift of repentance for Donald Trump for whatever sins he has committed, for his election as president of the United States, and for his and our success in efforts to make America great again.

About John M. Snyder,

John M. Snyder, called “the dean of Washington gun lobbyists” by the Washington Post and New York Times, for 50 years has defended American gun rights as an NRA editor, director of the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and Second Amendment Foundation, and founder/director of www.GunRightsPolicies.org. He is founder/manager of Telum Associates, LL.C, founder/chairman of the St. Gabriel Possenti Society, Inc., and serves on the boards of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and the American Federation of Police & Concerned Citizens. Author of the book Gun Saint, he received his AB and MA from Georgetown University. Mr. Snyder is a contributor to SFPPR News & Analysis.

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Trump is a Liberal Democrat. Screw him.




Either you’re in it or not, pretentious republicans. Now is the time to all come together behind Trump and against the Hitlery. Cruz and Kasich knows that they don’t stand a chance against the Hitlery so they are giving way to the best possible person who can beat her. I don’t understand why is it so hard for some people to understand this.


Come on guys, is that the best you have?

Thom Paine

Since JohnC is pushing class warfare theories here. There are now only two classes of people ,in the United States . The protected elite,and the unprotected majority . One rule of law applied equally, or chaos and eventual loss of all power and privelege will be the result. I think Donald Trump knows this … There is no other option. And if Trump is a phoney ? If he continues to allow the protected class to plunder the unprotected as it is today? If he does not bring millions of jobs back to the US ? If he does not… Read more »

Thom Paine

Why is it that so many who have never read our founding documents think themselves so qualified to interpret them ? It’s just like the resident of the Whitehouse on guns! Yes if I need computer help (I do) I go to an IT specialist. A heart condition? Why a Cardiologist of course . And for Constitutional core and content? JohnC ?! BWAHAHAHAHA! Never.

Thom Paine

Party is over for the establishment status quo ,and they know it . If not via Trump then via pitchforks and torches. History is clear enough on that. And no leftist Orwellian MSM “memory hole ” is going to change that now. Ridicule is the only thing the pundits and talking heads deserve now.

Gene Ralno

He wouldn’t be a billionaire unless he knew how to surround himself with smart people and take their advice. I’m still a Cruz guy but believe Trump will be an outstanding president. If ALL the conservatives and independents rally behind him, he’ll win in an unprecedented landslide. If not, this web site will be needed by revolutionaries.

F Riehl, Editor in Chief

Molon Labe Bitches…

Thom Paine

As Trump would say , “I love you guys Ammoland ,I really do!” God Bless and thank you! You are the free press of America.


He would not be a billionaire without being born with a platinum spoon and millions given to him by his dad to start with. He wouldn’t be a billionaire without screwing over thousands of people. He is one of the most dangerous people on Earth right now. Do you really want Trump spewing his derisive insults to the leaders of the world? If the answer is yes, he is your guy and heaven help the USA.

Thom Paine

+JohnC , Yawn – Yes we know and wealthy successful people are just terrible. Especially the employing people part! My My how is Cloward and Piven’s strategy for socialist /marxist overthrow supposed to work if these freedom loving Americans won’t play by what ever ‘rules’ we decide upon at any given moment, to suit “us” right? Spare me the marxist ,socialist or p.c. drivel . We have no ears for it anymore. Just our roar of refusal . The silent majority has had it ,and the only other candidate as her successes is Billions of $ missing. , disemination of… Read more »

Wild Bill

Well, John C, HiLIARy Rodham Clinton is a billionaire, born with at least a silver spoon, and has made billions selling her influence while Sec of State. She screwed over people, who actually lost their lives. She has her idiot daughter on the Clinton Foundation payroll making three million dollars per year. HRC is one of the most dangerous persons on earth right now. Would you rather have HiLIARy spewing her insults to the leaders of the world and and the American public?


@Bill,don’t even respond to that JohnC POS. HES JUST A BITCH !


@Bill,don’t even respond to that JohnC POS. HES JUST A BITCH !


Blue Collar you mean Blue Blood
The only thing Trump has in common with a blue collar
is he needs them to preform work for him at the lowest
wage he can pay. Which is why he not only imports his
products but his labor when possible.

Tom C.

Abelhorn, don’t you think it’s about time to quit chewing on that rag and get behind what the majority of freedom loving people want? That is a free and prosperous U.S. again.
He is the one the people have chosen. let us get behind him or suffer with Hellery for four years of less freedom and more government. Continued Obummer B.S.


Well written abelhorn,. His “programs” fly in the face of his reality. Mexican and Chinese products that he has made, are contrary to his bring jobs home platform. He can do that without being President. In glorious hindsight he criticizes the way things have been done by others, without having ANY governing role or experience. Not much difference than Monday Night Quarterbacks criticizing a pro quarterback and saying how much better they can do it. The separation of church an state is as important as first and second amendment rights. So all of the authors forgiveness rhetoric is irrelevant at… Read more »

Thom Paine

Nowhere in the US Constitution will you find the statement separation of church and state. It does say that government shall make no law with regard to religious preference. But that’s about it. So there we go. Suggest you all read the Declaration of Independence, The constitution, and the Federalist papers. Then you will have a more solid foundation in what our supreme law of the land actually a says or does not say. And it’s going to be Hillary or Trump ? Trump all the way . It’s because of that ego that he wants to be the guy… Read more »


Reading those documents would be too much trouble for him.

Thom Paine

Agreed !

Wild Bill

I think that separation of church and state is first articulated in a Thomas Jefferson letter, and the S. Ct picked up that ball and ran with it. As I recall. Correct me if I am wrong.


TRUMP in 2016. If Hillary wins we can kiss the supreme court, 1st, 2nd, & 4th amendments goodbye. Rlewis7536