Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol ~ Review VIDEO

By Graham Baates
YouTube personality, Graham Baates, gives us a video and photo break down of the Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol .

G B Guns
G B Guns

USA – -( Ruger LCP handgun has been out for several years and wildly popular for several reasons.

Fans of the little-bitty gun boast of its conceal-ability, slick snag-free design, and light weight while critics complain about a long and heavy trigger, snappy behavior, and nearly invisible sights.

This month Ruger released the LCP II handgun.

Is it an improvement, a replacement, or an alternative?  Having shot a sample of each side by side it appears the answer is, “yes”.

Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol

Ruger LCP
Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol

After nearly 10 years in production the variety and availability of accessories for the original LCP make it nearly impossible to deny continued success of the Ruger weapon.  The LCP handgun’s unique size and shape mean a plethora of discreet carry devices have been made and likely will continue to be made.  Some of them might fit the slightly-larger Ruger LCP II, but certainly not all.

If the original gun was so successful because of its size why is the Ruger LCP II bigger?

The new Ruger LCP II was widened to give a more comfortable grip for larger-handed shooters, and the slide grew to accommodate forward serrations and taller sights. All in response to feedback from customers and almost-customers who let this factors deter their purchase.

The biggest difference in LCP vs the LCP II though is the trigger.  Gone is the long and heavy revolver-like pull of the LCP original. That has been replaced with some slack followed by an actual break instead of mush-to-click.  There is actual reset now too without having to extend the trigger all the way out.  Although Ruger had the best intentions with the LCP’s panic-resistant trigger many shooters found it difficult to be accurate with.  Accuracy of course require practice and a gun that isn’t fun to shoot often gets left behind when it’s time to go to the range.  The LCP II remedies this by being more comfortable to shoot and having a trigger more like your range gun yet still appropriate for self-defense.

Taking all of these into consideration the LCP II seems almost more of a cousin with a lot of similar features than a true sister of the original.

The next time you hear someone asking if the LCP II is an improvement, replacement, or alternative to the original LCP you can smartly answer, “yes”.

For a complete visual walk-around of the guns see the video above or here:

Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol Comments:

Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol Side Profiles
Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol Side Profiles

Moving the Rear Sight further back makes for a slightly longer sight radius.

Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol Rear Sights
Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol Rear Sights

Ruger gave the LCP II a more modern appearance.

Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol Appearance
Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol Appearance

Note the changes in pistol grip textures.

Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol Grip Texture
Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol Grip Texture

The Ruger LCP II is slightly thicker in the palm than the first gen LCP handgun.

Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol Palm Sizes
Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol Palm Sizes

The sights of the new LCP II are much easier to pick up.

Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol Sights
Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol Sights

Note from trigger guard serration on Ruger LCP II on right.

Ruger LCP II Pistol vs Ruger LCP Pistol Barrel
Ruger LCP II Pistol (right) vs Ruger LCP Pistol Barrel

About Graham Baates

“Graham Baates” is a pen name used by a 15-year active Army veteran who spent most of his time in the tactical side of the Intelligence community including tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. Post-Army Graham spent some time in the 3-Gun circuit before becoming a full-time NRA Certified defensive handgun instructor and now works as an industry writer while curating a YouTube channel and blog on the side. Visit Graham on Youtube .

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George Ponder

Let’s face the facts on the Ruger LCP and the LCP II . First off the original is a true double action trigger with each shot. The II is a cocked an locked type pistol. The original is a more safer pistol for carry than the II since the II has a cocked hammer ready yo fall if the trigger is snagged while putting the pistol in a hip or front pocket with other stuff in the pocket. Neither are range pistols for target shooting and the sights are what we call belly-aimers. Both have their place in the “weapons… Read more »


Did I miss it or did you mention the slide hold open on the 2


New trigger is too light for pocket carry. Like the old lcp more for safety

joe terranova

A very good video !!!! thanks !!! it helped me a lot !!!


Tionica, I have had my LCP for over five years now and there has never been a trace of corrosion. Of course I only pocket carry it every day and clean it once a month, more if I happen to use it at the range. I’ve gotten use to its trigger pull so that doesn’t bother me in the least. With the job I do and the clothes I wear it makes pocket carry about my only option and I wouldn’t trade my LCP for anything else in the pocket carry category. I point and shoot with the LCP and… Read more »


The only Ruger semiauto I don’t hate is the Mark III as it does not have a mouse trap for a slide: Which is to say that all Rugers I’ve tried are hard to rack and hard on the hands. The .380 is no different.

I own a PT709 Slim which is only slightly larger than the LCP but fires 9mm instead of .380’s, is easier to rack, and has a much better trigger.

The only .380 I would consider owning is a Bersa CC.