United Federation Of Teachers Tells Members Vote For Clinton…FAIL

But Arbalest Quarrel’s Stephen L. D’Andrilli Responds, Saying: “Not So Fast!”.

United Federation Of Teachers Fail
United Federation Of Teachers Fail
Arbalest Quarrel
Arbalest Quarrel

New York, NY  -(Ammoland.com)-  In the November 3, 2016 issue of “United Federation of Teachers (“UFT”), a New York City affiliate of the American Federation of Teachers, the editorial board of the publication posted comments to an article that appeared in the September 8, 2016 edition of its publication, “Teacher.” The title of the article is: Hillary an ally worthy of your vote.”

The author of the article, RTC Chapter leader, Tom Murphy, urges UFT members, as the title of the article makes plain, to vote for gun banner Hillary Clinton.

Tom Murphy says Clinton, the Democrat Party nominee for U.S. President, supports American labor, suggesting that Donald Trump, as a Republican, and as the Republican Party nominee for U.S. President, does not. Tom Murphy is dead wrong in his observation.

Stephen L. D’Andrilli called Tom Murphy out.

Stephen is one of three founders of the weblog, the Arbalest Quarrel. Stephen was a licensed New York teacher and receives the UFT publication, “Teacher.”

Stephen has previously commented on other articles posted in “Teacher.” He does so whenever necessary to set the record straight.

Stephen does not sit idly by as our Country falls prey to powerful, secretive, corrupting interests, bent on destroying our Nation and our Nation’s Constitution, especially when those destructive interests create, through the media, a false aura of protecting the Nation and the Nation’s Constitution.

The UFT editorial board published Stephen’s reply to Tom Murphy’s September 8, 2016 article, but did so changing the comment. Stephen wasn’t aware of this and never authorized the changes.

The last two paragraphs of Stephen’s comment, as published in, “Teacher,” were heavily edited, and the last paragraph of the comment was deleted, altogether.

The unauthorized editing by the editorial board dilutes the strength of Stephen’s message, warning UFT members of the danger posed by a Clinton Presidency.

The unauthorized editing also explains why Stephen’s comment appears oddly truncated at the end, as published in “Teacher.”

Clearly, the UFT editorial board intended to dilute Stephen’s message before allowing it to be sent to UFT members, who number in the tens of thousands.

This should not surprise anyone. For, the leadership of the American Federation of Teachers (“AFT”) of which the “UFT” is an affiliate, endorses Hillary Clinton for U.S. President.

Stephen’s unedited, unabridged comment as sent to the UFT publication, reads:

“This responds to Tom Murphy’s article, titled, “Hillary an ally worthy of your vote.” But, is she?

Mr. Murphy assumes Clinton supports Labor, suggesting Trump does not. Yet, big money supports Clinton, not Trump. Sanders pointed to the obvious incongruity of Clinton’s relationship with Billionaires.

Clinton says she doesn’t support the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact but previously said she did. She referred to it as the “gold standard” of trade deals. She helped draft it. Free trade deals benefit International Capital, not American Labor. President Obama and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce support them. American unions do not. They’ve devastated American labor. Trump never supported them and won’t sign them into law. Clinton will. No political analyst doubts that.

Hillary Clinton’s inconsistent messaging isn’t the only reason she isn’t worthy of your vote. A more insistent reason exists. Evidence supports a finding that Hillary Clinton is a criminal. She mishandled classified defense information. That violates 18 U.S.C. § 793. She lied to the F.B.I. That violates 18 U.S.C. § 1001. The Clinton Foundation accepted bribes in return for State Department favors. That violates 18 U.S.C. § 201. They’re all felonies.

Although the F.B.I. didn’t recommend indictment that doesn’t mean Hillary didn’t break federal law. She did. Yet, mainstream media endlessly, mercilessly attacks Trump, not Clinton. The F.B.I., though, never had cause to investigate Trump for criminal wrongdoing, only Clinton.

A person under a cloud of committing felonies isn’t worthy of any American’s vote for U.S. President. That’s unseemly, even grotesque!

About The Arbalest Quarrel:

Arbalest Group created `The Arbalest Quarrel’ website for a special purpose. That purpose is to educate the American public about recent Federal and State firearms control legislation. No other website, to our knowledge, provides as deep an analysis or as thorough an analysis. Arbalest Group offers this information free.

For more information, visit: www.arbalestquarrel.com.

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I am a retired teacher in Texas, and each election cycle I get mailouts from National Education Association, various Texas teacher organizations, and other groups presumably in support of teachers – all with one thing in common: consistent endorsement of Democratic candidates. Never once have I agreed with those endorsements, but I understand the source – most of these organizations are, or essentially are, union labor organizations. And unions always support the Democratic ticket regardless of the party platform or candidate quality. Locked step zombie endorsements! Sadly, many of my colleagues followed in locked step, zombie fashion.

Jacob M. Opperman

Yep and so far she has gotten away with all of this. The FBI management has been paid off to say killary did nothing wrong. The way I see is this not matter what happens just before Obama leaves office he will give her a presidential pardon for her wrong doing. I just hope Mr. Trump can reverse this pardon and prosecute her to the fullest extent of the law for TREASON, MONEY FRAUD AND THIEFT, AND MURDER. But as I see it she will not spend any jail time for any of these crimes or if she does it… Read more »