Are HexMags The SAFEST Magazine for the AR? Maybe So!

Hexmags products
Hexmags products

LOVELAND, Colo. -( Hexmag, LLC makes the most advanced and versatile AR-15 platform magazine on the market – and it may prove to be the safest magazine on the market, too.

Whether it is Hexmag’s unique full-size reduced capacity magazines or its full 30-round magazine, they have a real safety feature that users of the .300 AAC Blackout will appreciate; Hexmag’s revolutionary HexID Color Identification System that allows one to see at a glance exactly which ammo is in the magazine!


A Dangerous .300 AAC Blackout Problem

The .300 AAC Blackout can be “successfully” but erroneously fed into an AR chambered for 5.56mm. How can that be? Well, a magazine with .300 Blackout rounds can be inserted into a 5.56mm AR.

When the bolt is released, it drives the round forward hard enough to jam the .30 caliber bullet back into the cartridge case with the bullet tip plugging the barrel throat. To the unsuspecting shooter the fully forward and closed bolt carrier group looks right as did the feel of the chambering–time to fire.

However, when the round is fired (and it will fire!), the explosion can take out the receiver and harm or even kill the shooter and/or anyone nearby. If all goes well, then just the firearm will be ruined. It has been happening around the country and the explosion can be significant!

Hexmag Series 2 magazine
Hexmag Series 2 magazine

Hexmag’s Safety Solution

Hexmag’s HexID Color Identification System helps prevent caliber mix-ups like this by making it easy to see which ammunition or load is in a given magazine. Each Hexmag magazine comes from the factory with a bright orange follower and latch plate identifier.

It Gets Better with Hexmag 30 Round AR Mag

Gun owners may choose from several optional accessory follower and latch plate colors available at a retailer or at catalog outlets. These components can be used to designate what load or caliber is in the magazine, and in this example whether it is 5.56mm or .300 Blackout.

Furthermore, the HexID Color Identification System is a great way to keep things safer for law enforcement agencies that use both the 5.56mm and .300 AAC Blackout in their operations. A great feature of Hexmag’s HexID system is switching these colored components takes maybe 30-seconds.

“We feel that this revolutionary system can really reduce the chances of shooters accidentally loading the wrong ammunition into their magazines or the wrong magazine into their rifles,” says Hexmag marketing director Dave Smith.

Hexmag’s New Dark Gray AR15 Magazine
Hexmag’s New Dark Gray AR15 Magazine


Hexmag’s unique patented aggressive magazine exterior surface provides incredible grip in any conditions or environment with or without gloves – and it can be augmented with optional Hexmag Extreme Grip Tape.

Combined with dual-leg tilt-proof multi-color coded HexID Color Identification System magazine followers and floor plate identifiers, tool-less ease of disassembly for cleaning or emptying a load of ammunition without individual round stripping, the robust Hexmag Series 2 AR platform magazine becomes the most versatile and probably safest AR magazine on the market.

MSRP: $14.99

Hexmag magazines are made in the USA and come with Hexmag’s Lifetime Warranty!


About Hexmag:

Hexmag, founded in early 2013, was an exercise in 3-D design and printing. We chose an AR-15 magazine as our project. We found out it was not easy to create a working AR magazine. Getting the AR magazine to fit in a lower receiver and stacking exactly 30 rounds into the magazine was not easy. Then firing those rounds reliably made our task almost impossible. Rather than give up on our design efforts after one attempt, we kept working on the project. We refined our design again and again. We were driven to make it work.

For more information, visit their website.

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Clark Kent

Safety with any product resides between the ears, not in the product.


For LE/Mil, I can see the color identification working acceptably well.

Personally, I run .300BLK in metal mags and 5.56 in polymer mags. Thus I have both a visual and tactile confirmation.


Ah, not to rain on this parade too awful much but, these won’t help a bit at night. My solution, while not perfect, was the best I could find so far; I use clear mags for 300 that have a completely different feel than my black 5.56 mags. In all but total darkness I can see and feel the difference between the clear and black. I also try and use just plain common sense. 🙂


“iIt has been happening around the country and the explosion can be significant!”

Really? I read several gun magazines, blogs and forums but have not been hearing anything about this happening in such numbers.

I’m sure Bloomberg and the many anti-gun groups he funds would love to take this storyline and use it to demonstrate the widespread ineptness of citizens who cannot even load the correct ammunition into their firearms.


Boy yall sure are fan boys for a company that the president of the company shafted his brother, the inventor, and then tried to remove his info from the companies Web page history. If someone will shafts his family… well I’ll leave it at that.