By Don McDougall
USA -( Bill Clinton RAPED Juanita Broaddrick, Donald Trump told some girl she was chubby. Guess who the liberal elite call a sexist? There is something seriously wrong with the left in America.
I just read an article about a man who canceled his holiday party because he doesn’t want to have any Trump supporters in his house, quit his local club, and fired all his friends and family who didn’t vote the way he did. Others on the site bragged about doing the same.
One woman was proud to announce she blocked her parent’s e-mail and cell phone.
Since I suspect she is living in their basement, it might not make her life too difficult. I had people, that I’ve known for decades, end our friendships over this election.
I made a mistake there; we were never friends in the first place it appears. I should have realized that sooner. Something I owe Trump for, I suppose.
So let me start with this. 90 percent of what Hillary Clinton said, advertised, or promoted about Donald J. Trump was a lie. She wanted to make liberal men and women angry and motivated to vote. Several of the women who came forwards were paid for their testimony or had their fabrication exposed by a 3rd party. The one I liked most was from a model who 30 years ago said she bumped her butt into a table.
But NOW, she remembers Trump was at the shoot and even though she didn’t see him is now sure 100 percent that he grabbed her butt. I mean that HAS to be what happened even if she didn’t think it at the time. She also listed the Hillary Campaign HQ as her address and gave their phone number as her number to call to speak to her. Other of the women who came forward are just a bizarre.
As for his locker room language, these elitists’ who are canceling their parties and firing their friends might have heard those exact words if they spent more time on the basketball court or inside a locker room than in the debate club or young democrat’s meetings. If this is how you treat people, you called friends you’re sadder and more pathetic than I thought.
So, dear elitists, Trump is not what you think he is.
You swallowed the lies from Hillary’s campaign hook, line, and sinker. Now, rather than accept that you were played as a fool you lash out. You ignore the 3-5 million illegally cast votes in the election. You ignore the results.
Back in 2008, you told us all that Obama’s victory over Hillary was one of the major accomplishments of his life and that fact ALONE qualified him to be President.
I mean Obama beat HILLARY – no average mortal could to that.
Funny thing is I don’t hear that anymore from the left. Maybe, just MAYBE, the problem is Hillary. What if she is just a crap candidate? Personally, I think Biden would have easily won.
Let me say this once. There are two types of men. Those who are pigs and those who know we are pigs. Men brag to each other, and we do it about everything, fishing, how far we could throw a ball in high school, women, the size of the waves we surfed… My wife is still amazed that I remember the cubic inch and 0-60 of every car I’ve owned but can forget her sisters B-Day.
Let’s face it men and women are different. Some men identify with women in their sensibilities more than men. (That would be you leftie elitists.)
For a year plus, you were promised by MSNBC, CNN, and the Big Three that Hillary was assured a coronation. Reality got in the way. Your elitism that ONLY YOU can be right is getting old.
You look like fools and children. I believe you are cutting off the reminder of how you were lied to and used by Hillary. I think it hurts you to realize how sad and pathetic you’ve become.
That you (the smartest people on the planet) let yourself be lied to by Hillary. So you shelter yourself with others that were equally as used and lied too. Now you can sit together and lie to each other; never having to face the facts.
In your heart, you know the truth. So put your elitist self back in the box. The rest of us have a country to help rebuild, either help or get out of the way. As for me, I’ll be at the range this weekend breaking in a new gun.
Oh one last thing, ask yourself one simple question. Juanita Brodderick, in your universe, did the Russian invent that too? How about Jones, or Willie or the dozens of others. I’m just asking.
About Don McDougall:
Don McDougall is an NRA instructor and member of the Los Padres “Friends of the NRA”committee. If he’s not at the range you will find him setting the record straight with on gun issues and gun safety on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.
Anyone with a brain is called an “Elitist” by the wacko morons.
Clinton raped no one, you ************* Right-wing wacko.
Drumpf raped a 13yo girl then threatened her family if she ever told. This comes from his best friend party planner.
AssByrne, is that you? Hiding under a new nom-de-plume? You sneaky dvil.
God u Trump supporters always get so butt hurt when anyone says anything bad about this man. it’s kind of hard to discredit anything when it comes right of the horses mouth. So since u can’t and God knows you all try you then begin to make ththingup. Get over it he’s a bigot and a sexist and he’s our president. I don’t know why anyone’s surprised. there’s always been some rich racist assholes in the white House.
Hillary got more of the popular votes because Sanders betrayed his followers. Correct me if I am wrong.
Chandrika, You are not wrong! Sanders indeed failed. However, the fact that Hillary received a larger popular vote is absolutely irrelevant. This country is NOT a “democracy.” Never has been. The Founding Fathers were well aware that a true democracy is mob rule! And mob rule absolutely encompasses tyranny by the majority. The Founding Fathers wisely designed this government to be a Constitutional Republic… and if I (and other citizens, generally – and other veterans, particularly) have anything to say about the issue, this country damnably-well WILL remain a Constitutional Republic. Liberals who wish to change that – who THINK… Read more »
A “democracy” is…2 wolves and 1 sheep, voting on what’s for dinner…
We dodged a second civil war by a hair. This election and last 8 years has ignited a flame in “us”. This flame is the start of a new revolution. And just like the first one, we must stand together. The fight is not over it has just begun. Our America is still broken. Luckily we have a path that is set before us, one that will allow us to win our freedoms back. Give us the ability to follow in our forefathers steps and earn that which we have forsaken. This will not be easy. For our enemies are… Read more »
Other weapons we as citizens have. Our voices. Community action. Our wallets. Just to name a few.
James… Yes, we did (barely) sidestep a civil war. But we haven’t completely dodged the very real threat of it, by any stretch. The Liberal Left has clearly – for a number of years, now – resorted to violence whenever unhappy… in fact, they have been encouraged and trained to do so (Obama Admin’s so-called Justice Department promised that rioting over “civil rights issues” would absolutely not be punished!). Regaining our country (as a Constitutional Republic, which the Founding Fathers intended it) may yet require spilled blood. I served in the military, where I swore an oath to protect America.… Read more »
It’s because of people like delusional chucky this country is in the mess it is in! I agree with tomcat and hope you take his advise! Happy New Year to everybody! (except for all the chuckies of course) Because of president elect- Donald J. Trump, We, The Deplorable, Legal Tax Paying Citizens Of The Great USA will have a happy and prosperous new year! I can feel it in my bones. I can smell it in the air I breathe. The whole attitude of the people I see and deal with agree. I can hardly wait for 2017 and the… Read more »
Our current issues are not just the fault of chucky. Each and everyone of us are responsible. We allowed this to happen. We stood by and expected change to happen. A vote is not the only weapon a citizen has. Yes some of us have fought harder than others. But there is always more that can be done.
@JAMES M, What other weapons, besides the vote, did you have in mind?
@MSG Butler, First, thank you for risking your life for the American people and our Constitution. Second, what chuck and others do not realize is that our currency is in such high demand because America is stable, peaceful, and dependable. When those people who are paid by George Soros engage in civil violence and other opposition to the peaceful transition to a new presidency, they unwittingly work against their own financial interests. Our currency is backed by nothing, except confidence. If confidence in the stability of our country diminishes around the world, then the value of the dollar diminishes around… Read more »
@Wild Bill, Thank you for your compliment, but we both need to thank those that have taken over and now carry the sword. Happy New Year. I am having trouble following your point and even went back and re-read the original article. You make some valid points, however, I did not see anything in the article talking about U.S. monies. Please tell me what I missed. Again, Thanks and Happy and Prosperous New Year to you and every citizen of this Great Country.
Sorry Master Sargent, my points about the currency were not in the article, but are only a tangent that I was off onto. I am off the soap box now. Carry on.
Chuck… paraphrase the biggest lie in the past 8 years……
“At this point, what difference does it make”!
@chuckfab, you are totally warped, but you don’t realize it, do you?
Poor sad fool. This country wasn’t built on where it was headed under the democraps. It was headed into the gutters.
Now we have a chance to bring it back on course.
Most of the population (legal) are pleased with the results.
As for you, just pack your bags and head off to some commie commune.
Couldn’t have said it better. Tomcat. I am amazed that people are so blind. I fact checked the DNC ,and I was so disappointed at all the lies. Hillary stood up there and told. She never discussed policy. She only discussed how unfit Trump was. She would stop at nothingto get her way. Obamaisgoing to make this transitionhard for Trump. The Obamas and Clintons care nothing about America. Only whatthey can get out of it.
You are the one who is not fact checking. And if you are doing it through facebook it is all lies.and google also hrc and Soros are relatives and he gave millions upon millions to hrc campaign. His evilness never stops. Obama is trying to start a war with russia luckily Putin sees what he is up to and is not going to go along with it and now i hear mcain and graham are actively going along with schumer and other dems to stary a war before Trump gets sworn in. I am so disgusted that mcain got back… Read more »
think you better go back and fact check what your saying because it is not the truth just the fabricated lies put out by your republican friends and thing we did learn this election was republicans never did fact check what their candidate said they just blindly believed we democrats don’t blindly go forth where our candidate sends us we do have the brains to seek the facts and truth in what candidates our candidate didnt say one thing just to change it the next day like trump so stop with the factless retoric and stink to… Read more »
Poor Chuck, still drinking the kool aid.
Clinton supported and was supported by the Black Lives Matter domestic terrorists organization. By what you typed it would be reasonable to expect that you believe everything the democratic organization BLM has stated is fact. The BLM movement has lied and twisted the facts about countless Police shootings but democrats like you believe everything they say. Even though there would be overwhelming evidence that discredited the BLM lies. And to think in your first sentence you have the audacity to state that Trump supporters need to check their facts. Damn near every facet of Clinton’s campaign was a lie. RM… Read more »
Hrc and obama made billions selling our weapons to terrorists. For allowing unchecked illegal aliens in. And obumer has let them destroy our country. Rape and rob. With no punishment. John Mcain and Lyndsey graham are a disgrace to thos country because they would rather see us in war than to go after obama on his atrocities like trying to buy the election in isreal because he does not get along with Bi Bi. He disgusts me everytime i see obumer try to destroy our country even more. Also it was discovered obama was not born here so where is… Read more »
Katherine… your contention that he was not “born here” is a bit misleading. Obama actually WAS born in Honolulu, at Kapiolani Hospital, in 1961 (2 years after Hawaii’s statehood)… and the birth was contemporaneously announced in the local newspaper. His mother was an American citizen (she grew up in Wichita, Kansas), Barak Jr was initially an American citizen. However, his mother renounced Barak’s (and her own) citizenship, when Barak was 3 year old. They were living in Jakarta, Indonesia at the time. Indonesia has NEVER allowed dual citizenship, and Barak had to be an Indonesian citizen in order to attend… Read more »
Chuck Another reason we voted for Trump is that you elitist, snobby bigots looked down your noses at us, you called us racist, misogynist, stupid, red-necks, hillbillies, uneducated, gun lovers, bible thumpers, the list goes on and on. What we really are though are the people that don’t live in California or New York, we are the middle of the nation, the farmers, carpenters, plant workers, coal miners, the working class of all colors and sexes, and we are fed up with being ignored. Obama lied to us and ignored us all the while acting like he was a celebrity,… Read more »
And dumb people just hate to be called dumb so they elected a complete con artist douchebag liar crook lunatic as President.
chuckie chuckie chuckie, the mere FACT that you can string a bunch of words together without a single punctuation mark shows your lack of coherence. OBTW – it is “stick” – not stink (which your comment surely does). Y’all have a nice day.
@chuckfab. You are so blind that I’m wondering how you were even able to vote. I suppose someone else marked your ballot for you. Not only are you blind, you are very far out of touch with reality. You poor soul.
Kind of sets it all in perspective… I’m noticing that a lot of you aren’t graciously accepting the fact that your candidate lost. In fact you seem to be posting even more hateful things about those of us who voted for Trump. Some of you are apparently “triggered”. Because you are posting how “sick” you feel about the results. How did this happen you ask? You created “us” when you attacked our freedom of speech. You created “us” when you attacked our right to bear arms. You created “us” when you attacked our Christian beliefs. You created “us” when you… Read more »
I FEEL THESE SORE LOSERS .WILL BE VERY SORRY!! IN TIME…THE FACT THAT HILLARY IS A CRIMMAL SHOULD HAVE MADE THEM VOTE TEUMP. PEOPLE I KNOW DID JUST THAT!! and she SHOULD BE IN JAIL!! TRUMP “”IS NOT HITLER!””” I feel the dems…will lose for a long time!! With cry babies..and Hoolywood ! Telling me how trump sucks!!! When that ! Is them!!! Thats houw they get movie parts!! FAKE NEWS.. FAKE PEOPLE!! WE DON’T CARE WHO SINGS..OR DANCES..ON JAN..20TH…HE WON!! NO MORE OBAMAS NO MORE KILLARY…NO MORE BILL ..NO MORE NANCY P…REAL FAKE !!?WHEN SHE SMILES,, I HEAR IT!!!… Read more »
@ poor little chuckie…The facts ARE what I posted…”You” created US…
There is tapes of Clinton raping a 13 year old girl on epsteins island. And i am sure there are alot of other politicans that are being kept inline through black mail.hrc is getting by litterally with murder and other crimes. The dems and i consider old bat mcain as a dem. They know full well russia did not hack the elections. But they are ready to throw us into world war 3. So no one will find out how corrupt they truely are