By Jeff Knox
Buckeye, AZ –-( As the proverbial shoe moved to the other foot November 8th 2016, liberals suddenly found themselves worrying about the future and their own survival.
In the circle of life and partisan politics, what goes around, comes around, and liberals’ heads are spinning.
The thought of our nation, with Donald Trump as President, and Republicans in the majority in both the House and the Senate, not to mention a conservative majority on the Supreme Court, has many liberals envisioning a dystopian future of pollution, poverty, crime, and climate crisis. Their dreams of “free” education, “free” healthcare, the extinction of the internal combustion engine and coal-fired power plants – and all of the destructive, extraction activities that go into fueling those nasty, dirty, devices – were dashed on the rocks of political whim by bitter, clinging, white people – who are undoubtedly racist – and the, oh so unfair, Electoral College system.
In the blink of an eye the future turned from one of hope, tolerance, and social justice, to one of dread, polarization, and privilege.
The liberals haven’t realized it yet, and probably never actually will, but they are now experiencing something very much like what the “deplorables” in fly-over country have been feeling for at least 8 years. The difference, of course, is that where the rubes in the heartland’s fears were just delusional fantasies fueled by narrow-mindedness and personal prejudices, the fears of the liberal masses are real, tangible, and virtually unavoidable.
Donald Trump and his followers are evil, racist, misogynists that are going to destroy the nation. At least, that’s how they tell it.
Thankfully, our nation’s founders foresaw the challenges of philosophical conflict, and they built in checks and balances which still function well enough to keep one group from running roughshod over the rest. Obama chipped away at it, and certainly did damage, but not the catastrophic harm his detractors feared. Likewise, G.W. Bush, with his foreign entanglements and domestic surveillance-state, undermined liberty, but didn’t extinguish it as some feared.
Perception in politics is very much about perspective and what a person believes to actually be possible. Predictions of a president declaring himself King, have persisted from the very foundation of the Republic. The fact that it never has happened does not mean however, that it never could happen, but such fears are only viable to someone who actually believes it possible.
In the early 1970s, my late father, Neal Knox, had a good friend who was a competitive shooter, but one of those gun owners who supports “reasonable restrictions” on other people’s guns.
He got frustrated with Dad’s constant focus on fighting gun control, and said; “Neal, how can you be worried about some gun control bill when Nixon is about to impose martial law and declare himself emperor for life?” Dad looked him in the eye and growled, “And what do you think keeps him from doing it?”
In that moment, because this guy really believed that Nixon might do such a thing, a light bulb lit in his head, and suddenly he truly understood the real purpose of the Second Amendment, and the importance of Americans being armed. He would never have seen that light without that belief.
Many conservatives had the lights go on during the Clinton administration, with images of Waco burning in the backs of their minds. Some liberals woke up during the George W. Bush years after passage of the Patriot Act. Posters on the Daily Kos – a far-left news and views site – began discussing the need for liberals to arm themselves so they could fight off Bush’s storm troopers when they came for them. But in true “progressive” form, they were simultaneously advocating for “reasonable” gun laws – like full registration of all guns and gun owners.
I registered with the site just to be able to point out the obvious flaw in their reasoning:
“Bush is coming for liberals, so you want liberals to buy guns, and you want a law passed to be sure that Bush knows who has guns?”
Now we’re seeing that same illogical reasoning playing out again as groups like the Pink Pistols, and the Liberal Gun Club are reporting surges in membership, and “progressives” appear to be picking up the slack to keep gun sales booming – while still calling for stricter gun laws and denying that support for gun control played a key role in their candidates being trounced last November.
Their capacity for cognitive dissonance is stunning, but the wisdom and prescience of the Founders is even more amazing.
There is much to be done to revive and restore that wisdom, let’s hope our leaders can make some progress in that direction over the next four years.
The Firearms Coalition is a loose-knit coalition of individual Second Amendment activists, clubs and civil rights organizations. Founded by Neal Knox in 1984, the organization provides support to grassroots activists in the form of education, analysis of current issues, and with a historical perspective of the gun rights movement. The Firearms Coalition is a project of Neal Knox Associates, Manassas, VA. Visit:
It should be noted that the map at the beginning of this article was created by the good people at Operation Blazing Sword. It predates the election.
The Facebook page for Operation Blazing Sword is:
Next surprise will be when CNN reports : “Bloomberg buys an AR-15” .
Papa 214. Wow that’s a good one. I hope I live to read that paper.
He doesn’t need to buy one…he’s surrounded by armed security. Good for him and the other elites, but not for us poor deplorables!
Firearms in the hands of Liberals just might tip the scales to government demand of a psych eval prior to purchase authorization. Then again, I doubt that true Liberals could ever properly answer the 4473 and get past square one of a purchase.
There are only 2 actual gun stocks last I checked. RGR (guess who?) and SWHC (S+W). I started buying Ruger when Obama was elected, and held SW for a while. Ruger always takes care of their shareholders. It’s a good investment even if the shares don’t skyrocket. Except after a mass shooting.
“Firearms in the hands of Liberals”
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
BEsides, we already have that. It’s called IRS. BLM. USPS… continue?
@Keith, No, not at all. Maybe those idiot liberals will be tempted to use their firearms. You you could send them to my house. Not too many at once, though, the coyotes can’t handle them all.
The LGBT will never realize the truth and nether will the brain dead liberals they don’t have the brain for it
LGBT = Lil Gill Became Troll…
@Rock, Sir, you are a poet!
Great piece on the Bipolar left, what next for the left, protest the building of an abortion clinic next to an inner city school that teaches sex education.
Fire your proofreader. You’re welcome.
Wow Donald Trump is also good for guns sales just like Obama but for a slightly different reason? It’s seems the gun industry is recession-proof. (Note to self – buy gun manufacturing and sales shares)
Gil, your last sentence is the only sensible thing you have ever written on this site.
Mick, so true, he’s like a stopped analog clock… and as accurate.