By David Codrea
“It will provide law-abiding citizens the right to conceal carry without worrying about conflicting state codes or onerous civil suits,” Hudson, a member of President-elect Donald Trump’s Second Amendment Coaltion noted. “[It will ensure] our Second Amendment right doesn’t disappear when we cross state lines.”
Also known by its short title, the “Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017,’’ the text of the bill, available as a pdf file on Rep. Hudson’s official House website, will codify that a person “carrying a valid license or permit which is issued pursuant to the law of a State and which permits the person to carry a concealed firearm or is entitled to carry a concealed firearm in the State in which the person resides, may possess or carry a concealed handgun … in any State that …. has a statute under which residents of the State may apply for a license or permit to carry a concealed firearm; or … does not prohibit the carrying of concealed firearms by residents of the State for lawful purposes.
“A person who carries or possesses a concealed handgun … may not be arrested or otherwise detained for violation of any law or any rule or regulation of a State or any political subdivision thereof related to the possession, transportation, or carrying of firearms unless there is probable cause to believe that the person is doing so in a manner not provided for by this section,” the bill elaborates. It also provides for “damages or other appropriate relief” for “[a] person who is deprived of any right, privilege, or immunity secured by this section, under color of any statute, ordinance, regulation, custom, or usage of any State. Left intact would be state-specific prohibitions and restrictions on private and state properties.
The National Rifle Assosciation was quick to weigh in with strong support.
“Congressman Hudson’s legislation provides a much needed solution to a real problem for law-abiding gun owners,” Insititute for Legislative Action executive director Chris Cox said.
“The Hudson bill would ensure that victims of crime like Pennsylvania concealed carry holder Shaneen Allen do not face decades of imprisonment, merely because they took an erroneous turn into another state,” Erich Pratt, executive director of Gun Owners of America stated in announcing GOA’s “strong support” for the legislation. “This legislation would simplify the puzzling variation of concealed carry across the states and make America safer by letting citizens defend themselves while they travel.”
This is not Hudson’s first attempt at passing such a bill. A similar effort from 2015 was introduced and died without being enacted. With Republicans enjoying majorities in the House and Senate, and with Donald Trump ready to assume the presidency, all strongly enabled by gun owner support, all excuses for not passing the bill this time will ring hollow. But your help is needed.
Understanding that some politicians will still need to be motivated, readers here can get involved by contacting their representatives – at least the ones worth contacting – and letting them know their support and co-sponsorship are expected. This can be done either via their official web pages, or, as more constituents are using, via their social media feeds (such as the way I put my congressman on notice on Twitter). And for those living in districts or states where the representatives are enemies of the right to keep and bear arms, there’s nothing stopping you from contacting representatives in other states who are amenable to being persuaded (and a good indicator for that is their GOA grade).
Also see: AmmoLand Concealed Carry Reciprocity posts
Rep. Richard Hudson (R., N.C.) clarified on Wednesday that his national concealed carry reciprocity bill would apply to permits issued by states to non-residents. [More]

About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.
In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
You have the capability to make this law available
to all Americans. You have the Presidency and
Congress that will work with you. Use it
I live in commiefornia and have been waiting to apply for a CC permit. I heard once they turn you down it’s almost impossible to get one. Someone outside of this west communist state needs to put them in their place. Threaten them with taking money away might work. The only thing they like more than controlling the population is wasting their money! I can’t believe they keep winning elections! Who is voting for them? No one I know…..
You need a permit free bill
Tell me how to get a permit in Maryland. I got the original
because I was attacked. Only to have it taken away
because they said I didn’t need it anymore.
Tell me how to get a permit in Maryland. I got the original
because I was attacked. Only to have it taken away
because they said I didn’t need it anymore.
I appreciate some of the concerns with how this bill reads.
But isn’t it a step in the right direction? It can always be expanded later.
Using gun grabber tactics. Instead of taking a huge bite, but nibble away at the issue.