What Does ‘Match Grade’ as in Match Grade Ammo or Guns Actually Mean?

by Sam Hoober
Match grade ammunition, match grade rifles? Alien Gear Holsters’ Sam Hoober debunks the phrase “match grade,” does the term have any useful meaning left?

Match Grade Ammo Ammuntion 9mm
What Does “Match Grade” as in Match Grade Ammo or Guns Actually Mean?
Sam Hoober
Sam Hoober

USA – -(Ammoland.com)- The term “match grade” does get used a fair amount when it comes to both firearms, components and ammunition. Does it actually mean anything, or for that matter, does it mean anything anymore?

It’s something to wonder about prior to spending money on anything labeled “match grade,” be it a target rifle, hunting rifle, or concealed carry gun you intend to put in a gun holster.

What The Dictionary Says About Match Grade

According to the Wiki guys, “match grade” firearms, components or match grade ammunition is/are firearms, components and ammunition machined with far greater precision than typical guns, components or ammunition is. (Such ammunition would ostensibly be hand-turned brass or at least very well could be.) As a result, anything match grade would have much tighter tolerances and would be far more accurate than the typical gun you get in your LGS (local gun shop).

Match grade products are made for the purposes of competitive shooting matches. Since the utmost of accuracy is needed, a gun, it’s components and ammunition have to be up to higher standards. Naturally, this would also extend to military and police snipers as lives depend on their shots being made.

It’s kind of like race-spec equipment on a motor vehicle. Formula 1 cars, for instance, have such tight tolerances that the engine is actually seized at room temperature; they have to warm them up by other means (pumping hot water around the engine compartment) before starting them.

Some hold the match grade definition goes further, and that there are actual tolerance specifications for barrels, ammunition and so on, though it depends on whom you ask. (It isn’t as if the Office of Weights and Measures maintains standards on what constitutes “match grade.”)

Sons Of Guns – Olympic Shooting Team Commemorative Guns ~ Exclusive Sneak Peak Video
Olympic Shooting requires match grade rifles and match grade ammunition.

For instance, Shilen Rifles specifies that the bore of their match grade barrels cannot vary more than .0005″ over the entire length of the barrel. Another company, Lilja, specifies no more than 0.0001″ variation is acceptable for their standard stainless steel match-grade barrels.

Ammunition manufacturers likewise have different standards; some may find one batch is a bit more accurate than others. They label it “match” and call it good. Others have a whole other process. In some instances, the brass, propellant and primer may be the same but a better projectile is used, in some cases it’s the propellant and projectile and in others still it’s precision-machined round made with the best materials from the ground up.

As a result, it can be safely said that while tighter tolerances (and perhaps better materials) are involved, the exact specifications of what makes something match grade varies, depending on whom is making it.

Is It Worth The Match Grade Premium?

With that all said, is it worth paying the match-grade premium? In truth…it depends.

Granted, some people just like to have premium products. A lot of people out there are perfectly content to put a S&W Shield in their concealed carry holster, but some people want to have a Wilson Combat, Chip McCormick or Les Baer pistol instead.

Consider what the firearm, component or ammunition is for. If you’re competing in shooting matches (whether pistol or long rifle) then it makes sense because many of these events require far more accuracy than the standard rifle or pistol is inherently capable of to score well. You need equipment that will help you win. After all, you don’t run a draft horse in the Kentucky Derby.

For the amateur long range or bullseye shooter that wants the utmost in precision shooting and doesn’t mind spending, it might also be worth it for the same reasons.

Likewise, a military or police sniper needs the same for their profession. Lives depend on placing accurate shots and doing so at possibly great distances.

However, for some other applications, paying the premium may not be necessary, strictly speaking. The typical big game hunter or concealed carrier will likely have all their needs met with a standard quality firearm. What you find in the average gun store is likely going to be just fine for these purposes, so long as either is reasonably accurate and reliable.

International Training Inc Advanced Sniper Course
Military and police snipers need match grade equipment as lives depend on their shots being made.

About Sam Hoober

Sam Hoober is a contributing editor at Alien Gear Holsters, as well as for Bigfoot Gun Belts. He also writes weekly columns for Daily Caller and USA Carry.

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Joseph Robert Sirgo

Match grade= 10 times more expensive.


People ASSUME that ammunition labeled “MATCH GRADE” is going to be more accurate than ordinary ammo – and sometimes it is, if it comes from a major manufacturer and uses something like a Sierra Matchking bullet – an example would be Federal Gold Medal .308. Unfortunately, today it seems to be mostly a marketing term (like the word TACTICAL) and is slapped on ordinary ammo to justify a higher price.


Match grade, field grade, plinker grade.
I just want to be able to put the round, where I want the round to go.
Names are just that, names.
Eric said it best.

James Brigham (Bigg) Bunyon

To me “match grade” means highest quality components and very high consistency in all metrics of the ammunition to include actual assembly and handling that doesn’t negatively affect aforementioned activities. The problem is in reality the difference between “match” and “field” grade is often only an incremental improvement often overshadowed by poor shooting habits or imprecise equipment. In other words, all my hand loaded ammunition is match grade except for those rare rounds that don’t shoot very well. Those non “match” are either “test” rounds or “field” grade. And since I make it, even cast my own boolits, my ammunition… Read more »


Let’s be clear- there is no “standard” that specifies what “match grade” means. Buyer beware.


Tolerance and clearance are NOT the same thing. F1 engines are HIGH tolerance and TIGHT clearance. A gun can be very sloppy and very tight tolerance. Tolerance gives you consistency, that’s it.