ISRA Thursday Bulletin for June 29, 2017

Supreme Court Continues to Reschedule Concealed Carry Case
Supreme Court Continues to Reschedule Concealed Carry Case

USA -( The case of Peruta v California, which challenges California’s “may issue” concealed carry law was turned down by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) last Monday. The California concealed carry law gives police agencies veto power over an individual’s application for a concealed carry permit.

If the police don’t think you have “good cause” you are denied, period. This is totally arbitrary and capricious but it doesn’t matter.

Justices Thomas and Gorsuch wrote scathing dissents but it doesn’t matter. This should be viewed as a warning that SCOTUS still presents a clear and present danger to the Second Amendment. Two more Justices need to be replaced before President Trump leaves office. This fight is far from over.

There are about 100 million legal gun owners in the United States. Pew Research estimates that about 26 percent of handgun owners carry their firearms for self-defense.

Right now, there are 15 million concealed carry permit holders in the United States. That number does not include people in “open carry” states or people in constitutional carry states. The number of law-abiding citizens who carry could be over 20 million.

In Minnesota, the shooting of a legally armed man, Philando Castile, ended up in a 2.99-million-dollar settlement for his family. Mr. Castile was a law-abiding black man but his case is an example of what can happen to any concealed carry permit holder.

In my opinion, the policeman was scared. When any of us get stopped by a policeman who appears afraid, you have to be extra careful. While Philando’s family received 2.99 million, that won’t bring him back. Very sad.

Gavel, formerly a German Shepherd police dog in training in Australia, was fired for being too friendly. Gavel, “did not display the necessary aptitude for life on the front lines” explained his trainer. The Governor of Queensland reassigned Gavel to welcoming guests at Queensland Government House with the title of Vice-Regal Dog. It seems to me that Gavel is a lot smarter than the rest of his classmates.

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