USA -(Ammoland.com)- The Gun Rights Policy Conference (GRPC) was a great event, as usual. The Illinois State Rifle Association won the Affiliate of The Year award from the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, for the 10th time.
The ISRA won because of you, our members. The ISRA does many great things but that is because our members have a “Let’s get the job done and done right” attitude. That means you, pilgrim! I look around at all of you who attend IGOLD, help with youth programs, women’s programs, attend grassroots meetings, put on leagues and competitions, help with the Range Open House and Sighting-in-Day, help maintain the range and do a myriad of other things, that makes the ISRA what it is.
A key part in receiving this award is our dedicated office staff and their tireless efforts in moving the ISRA forward. We should all be proud of ourselves and each other. It is true that Don Moran and I got to collect the trophy, but it belongs to the whole team.
Deer season has started and the harvest is underway, which means the deer will be on the move for the next few weeks. Please drive carefully.
When I woke up Monday morning and started watching the news I immediately realized that whatever was true Saturday and before, was no longer true – how fast things can change. I knew we were in for a vicious attack on our gun rights from the anti-gun left. The casualties had not even been recovered before the anti-gun crowd started dancing in their blood.
I watched one left-wing blogger demand more gun control. When asked what she had in mind, she said she didn’t know but something had to be passed. That is a recipe for bad law that will haunt law-abiding gun owners for years. Of course, the hysterical left does not care about our rights and people like you and me.
A week or two ago I thought Veto Session might pass quietly into the history books, but now I am not so sure. I thought we would see attacks on our Second Amendment Rights in the Spring 2018 Session.
Now I know we will. Many gun owners across the county assumed that with Donald Trump in the White House everything would be peachy. Donald Trump does not have a seat in the Illinois General Assembly or any other state legislature. That is where the focus of the anti-gun influence and money is going to be concentrated. Illinois is their ground zero.
Any bills the anti-gunners had proposed, or will propose, would not have stopped the vicious attack in Las Vegas. Maniacs and fanatics who want to kill themselves and take others with them are pretty much unstoppable, unless someone is there with a gun to stop them. The goal of the radical left and their fellow travelers is to destroy the private ownership of firearms. The only defense is to join a group like the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA). We must stay organized and strong.
The same is true on the national level. Every Illinois gun owner should be a member of the National Rifle Association (NRA), Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), and Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA). Not to be a member of all three of these groups, if you are an Illinois gun owner, is just plain negligence.
IGOLD is tentatively set for March 21st, 2018. Plan to attend. The reason I say tentatively is because the Illinois Legislative Calendar has not yet been set and could change.
If you are an ISRA member, thank you. If you are not an ISRA member, join today.
Upcoming events: ISRA Calendar For more information, visit www.isra.org.
- Saturday, October 7, 2017
Range Work Day
ISRA Sighting-In Day - Wednesday, October 11, 2017
ISRA Air Gun League - Saturday, October 14, 2017
ISRA Black Powder League State Championship - Sunday, October 15, 2017
Handgun Drills
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