The Slippery Slope to a Total Firearms Ban

Locked Chained Gun Firearms Ban
The Slippery Slope to a total Firearms Ban

Buckeye Firearms Association logo

U.S.A.-( We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again … all it takes is one terrible event, one news cycle, and suddenly the gun control lobby starts demanding more gun control.

The Las Vegas murders prove that again.

We mourn this senseless slaughter and our hearts go out to the families of survivors. But does anyone believe that more laws are the answer? Does anyone believe those calling to ban bump fire stocks will settle for that one change?

And for those who consider it crazy to say that passing just one or two little laws is a slippery slope, consider this …

The spent casings were not even cold before there were calls to ban AR-15s and high-cap magazines, force private sales to go through background checks, limit the number of firearms someone can buy in a month, force Americans to use so-called “smart” gun technology, and on and on.

There are even people who are literally calling for the repeal the Second Amendment! That sure sounds like a pretty big slippery slope!

And then consider this exchange between Nancy Pelosi and a reporter on Thursday:

“There are going to be Republicans who resist this because they say, Give the gun control people an inch and they’ll try to take a mile,” a reporter asked Pelosi at a press conference. “So how do you plan to overcome that when the truth is that you would like to go further?”

“So what?” Pelosi responded. “They’re going to say, You give them bump stock, it’s going to be a slippery slope. I certainly hope so. But I don’t think bump stock should be a substitute for the background check. By the way the background check is a compromise. There are many more things members want to do ….”

Of course there’s a slippery slope. And of course they want to take our guns away. That’s always been their goal. It remains their goal. And it always will be their goal.

So if you think your rights are safe because Trump is President or that Republicans are in control of the Senate and House, we have bad news for you. Your rights hang in the balance every day. And that’s why it’s vital that you support our work to protect your rights.

About the Buckeye Firearms Association

For more than 12 years, Buckeye Firearms Association had worked to defend and advance the right of more than 4 million Ohio citizens to own and use firearms for all legal activities, including self-defense, hunting, competition, and recreation.

BFA works to pass pro-gun legislation, educate the public through ongoing media relations, provide high-quality firearm classes, and make available a wide variety of resources for gun owners. We even work with other pro-gun organizations around the country to help them further their mission.

And while anti-gun groups get their funding and support from wealthy activists or big corporations, BFA gets its funding and support from citizens like YOU who value their Constitutional rights and are willing to stand guard with us today and every day.

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Hey Folks: @tiger Gregory is just a shill planted here to stir things up and divert from the real conversation. Ever notice how these guys pop up, almost without fail, every few days, and then never reappear again except under another name? Let’s stay on topic. What do we, as Americans, do best when faced with an insurmountable problem? We work around it! What is the workaround to all this? I know more than a few people who chipped in and bought a Ghost Gunner, and are just making their own guns, for their own use. Stop thinking of politicians… Read more »

John R Pyles 111

Great debate Gentlemen, except Mr. Gregory’s points fell short.


When the military had flintlocks and muzzle loaders the American citizen had the same exact rifle. When the military had lever actions the American citizen had the same exact rifle. When the military had bolt actions the American citizen had the same exact rifle. When the military had full auto rifles the American Citizen was only allowed a semi automatic. What has changed is the bastard liberalization of the laws covering any weapon, also known as “gun control”. These laws are only adhered to be the LAW ABIDING CITIZEN, which criminals aren’t. Liberals and Democrats place thousands of restrictions and… Read more »

James Higginbotham

reading all the commits here and arguing over STUPID CRAP.
our 2ND AMENDMENT IS FOR A TIME LIKE TODAY, which is fast approaching to where it will be US AGAINST THEM THE EVIL ENEMIES OF ALL OF US.


Answer ; Connvention of the States


The real ARGUMENT is that the government has NO LAWFUL POWER to regulate or otherwise “infringe” our Right to Arms (weapons of military utility), or its FULL SCOPE, in any way nor under any circumstances whatsoever. They are specifically ENJOINED from “infringing” our rights by THE “Supreme Law of the Land”. ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN TO VIOLATE (Black’s Law, 5th Edition definition of “shall not be infringed”). “Prenumbra” rights guarantee us access to all appurtenances, attachments, ammunition and accessories as we see fit. So magazines, optics, ammo, etc. etc. are ALL OUTSIDE THE LAWFUL PURVIEW of our criminal government. Yes, criminal. When… Read more »

Silence Dogood

Here’s what no one talks about: SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY statutes. What are they? Simple answer, it’s not the job of the Police to protect “any” individual or property. 36 States have actual SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY statutes, the other 14 have “stare decisis,” which has the same effect. No one has ever successfully “sued” a Police organization and “won” on the issue of the Police “failing to protect them.” It’s not the Policeman’s job to protect you. He might choose to “protect” you, but, he can’t be held legally responsible if he doesn’t. Along with the 2nd Amendment, SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY statues are why… Read more »


Gun owners must stop falling into this trap set by the liberal anti-gun movement, by perpetuating and thereby validating the term, “assault rifle”. The guns that they have and want to ban would be useless as military weapons, which they compare them to. One must first understand that no particular gun can assault anyone. It is the criminal that uses the gun who is the assailant. Assault weapon is a term made up by the anti-gun lobby and politicians. It is a term that morphed from the early 60’s when these same people wanted to ban “Saturday Night Specials”. I’m… Read more »


ras, first of all I agree with you, but there need to be a single correction. Assault Rifles are a class of weapon designed for a specific purpose, and are almost exclusively use by military’s around the world. I believe the term you were looking for was “Assault Weapon” which of course is a misnomer, made up by the liberals to put fear into the ignorant and the true believers. Inaccurate information is what the liberals are all about, and this is one of their main lies.

Kevin Guizzetti

So many triggered snowflake replies. And not one coherent argument. There has to be a positive correlation between “Ammoland” commenters and Info Wars loonies. Stay mad lol.


Kevin Gregory, you sound like you are part of anifta so angry you probably have your bike lock ready to hit some innocent person in the head and run. Unreal that you are willing to be a sheeple.


Here’s an idea for a compromise with the diaper-wetting liberal crybabies in congress: we will force all liberals to give up their guns, including the congressional armed security details, as an experiment. As this is their idea of our perfect future, let them live in it while us patriots keep our arms for protection as it is our right and we desire to protect ourselves. The libs will be forced to admit they need the guns for protection, playing right into our hands, and proving their ideas are insane. Besides, when looking at the vast majority of violent shootings by… Read more »


Not “almost” always by leftists… EVERY TIME by leftists.

Gordon Matthews

Gordon Matthews
How can these so called politicians live with themselves when they took a solemn oath to uphold the constitution. It is
obvious that they were lying,,Get them out of office!!!!!!!!!

Samuel Stephens

If a DemocRATs lips are moving they’re lying.

jim smith

Re; “bastardized interpretation of the 2nd amendment” The purpose of the Second Amendment is clearly stated in the preamble to the Bill of Rights – specifically “The convention of a number of states having at the time of their adopting of the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse, of its powers that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added”. Note that when the Second Amendment was written, every weapon was a weapon of war, there were no restrictions on the private ownership of weapons and the militia was equally matched with the regulars. After… Read more »


Where is the f’ing LIKE button?????

Sam Adams

The loss of life is the result of evil which is been exacerbated by the fact that progresses have made massive social changes over the last 75 years resulting in situations never experienced when in the past it was easy access to machine guns and just about everything else. No the evil actions are the result of a lack of morality caused by the social changes by so-called progressives in this country. The founding fathers intended for an armed Society is a prophylactic against tyranny and failing that is the remedy to it. Tell me, of what use is being… Read more »


Thank you Sam.

John Hancock here

Crotalus Maxximus

Gregory . More people have been killed in your imaginary gun free zones than in any other environment combined. The real reason the mentally ill liberal mind is against gun ownership is because you people don’t trust your fellow demented liberals. ANTIFA is a prime example. Liberalism is evil to the core and none of you will admit to it. ” Its For The Children”. Whos Children? Bill and Hillary’s? Obamas? The Leftist lobbyist’s? Like SPLC?

Kevin Gregory

Disgusting – you should all be ashamed of yourselves. This bastardized interpretation of the 2nd amendment benefits no one, except gun enthusiasts. People and children get slaughtered on a daily basis, so you can keep your (admittedly lame) toys? There’s a special place in hell for you people.

Kevin Gregory

You are an idiot. People who give up liberty for security deserve neither. There is a special place for you in a state run gulag.

Bob M.

“There is a special place for you in a state run gulag.”

And there you have it. Statists see the State as the enforcer of first resort. Insane people see it administered Soviet style.


What a sick mind you have Gregory! You call guns toys. Would you like to go back to the days before guns? Large gangs of sword wielding young men preying on weaker people who had no means of self defense. You are so clueless


Mr. Gregory, F off.


The guns are not shooting themselves snowflake, look to the real cause and not a liberal talking point.


KG, just out of sheer morbid curiosity I have to ask, what’s your interpretation of the 2A?

BTW, People, including children, get slaughtered daily in such gun controlling places as Mexico, Honduras, Russia, & Venezuela. Our murder rate is lower despite all our guns. Curious fact, isn’t it?

Marcus Aurelius

Hey Kevin. If you don’t like the second amendment why don’t’ you move to a second amendment free zone like North Korea or Venezuela. That’s where special people like you belong.