Rep. Charles Sargent Retirement – Another Step in “Draining the Swamp”

Rep. Charles Sargent
Rep. Charles Sargent

Tennessee Firearms AssociationUSA -( Rep. Charles Sargent, Beth Harwell’s minion whom she personally appointment to control the powerful and weaponized House Finance committee, is a Republican from Williamson County in District 61 who has announced that he will not seek re-election according to a story in the Williamson Herald.

In his role as the chair of the House Finance committee, Sargent has been referred to as a “mastermind” of the State’s budget which he has apparently “masterminded” to massively grow by almost One Third (approximately $10 BILLION dollars) in just 7 years at the expense of Tennessee families and taxpayers.

Just as Bob Corker likely saw the writing on the wall and announced his “retirement” rather than face an embarrasring defeat, Establishment Republican Charles Sargent, whom Tennessee Firearms Association has targeted twice in 2014 and 2016 with election challengers, has announced his “retirement.”

Sargent barely won re-election in 2014 over challenger Steve Gawrys, who was backed by TFA, by far less than 300 votes which should have sent a strong message.

Tennessee Firearms Association had met recently with Rebecca Bruke who has already announced that she would be challenging Sargent in 2018 should he seek re-election.

Mrs. Burke had already received the endorsement of WWTN 99.7 FM radio host Michael DelGiorno and was expected to receive strong support from many in the conservative arm of the Williamson county GOP as well as from conservative interests groups.

Sargent’s retirement is good news for conservatives looking forward to “Draining the Swamp” of the Establishment GOP in Nashville..

If you want to wage in on the battle to elect someone to the office of governor (there is only one who supports Constitutional Carry), the State Senate and the State House in 2018 – candidates who put the constitution first and who are true public stewards of your rights, please take a moment and go to the TFA’s PAC website and make a donation so that we can raise the funds to restore our rights.


John Harris
Executive Director
Tennessee Firearms Association

P.S. If you want to help us move to get rid of gun free zones, to enact constitutional carry, and to push back against an unwilling legislative leadership and an uncooperative administration, please consider this request to join, renew and support the Tennessee Firearms Association. Asking for your member support of TFA is a call to action both financially and, more importantly, a call to affirmative action of individual engagement in a real battle for the restoration of our rights.

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@ Brian, you are so right!

JR Bailey

Wish I had the extra jingle, but financially support you guys, but I’m on the path to make a whole 6 grand this year again! I’ll support you politically though if that helps!


Tennessee is polluted with Rhino Republicans. Its become the Nations breading ground for them. Bob “The Coward” Corker and Lamar “Anti-Conservative” Alexander are two that escaped from the zoo.