U.S.A. –-(Ammoland.com)- I love taking firearms training courses. In fact, when I’m not teaching my own courses, I try and attend other folks training as much as I can. The good news is, there are a lot of good instructors in this country so it’s not tough to find a class near you.
However, if you choose to take one of these classes whether it’s local or at a larger training school such as Gunsite or Front Sight, I encourage you not to make the mistake that I see the majority of shooters make.
So what is the mistake?
It’s not training the way they regularly carry concealed on the street. In other words, when I’m carrying concealed I’m usually wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Unless I’m going to church or doing consulting, I try and avoid a suit at all costs. Therefore, when I go to a gun school I am dressed in jeans and a T-shirt.

What kills me is the folks I see who show up in tactical pants and other tactical gear who look like they’re about to join Rambo on his next raid.
Now, if by the odd chance they wear that gear on a regular basis, then by all means, train that way. But if I had to guess, I’d say they don’t go grocery shopping decked out from head to toe in 5.11 gear.
However, the way a person dresses is just the beginning. When I attend a gun class I want to shoot well just as much as the next person does. But I always draw from concealment. After all, since that’s how I always carry my gun, drawing from concealment is the proper muscle memory I want to develop.
Train the Way You Plan to Carry
I have a lot of friends who attend their firearms training wearing an outside the waistband holster. Why do they do this? Because they’re quicker on the draw and feel they do better during the timed shooting drills. Yes, this may be true, but since they carry concealed on a regular basis, practicing with an outside the waistband holster obviously makes no sense.

Lastly, and probably the most ridiculous thing I see is the fellows who show up with huge guns that are clearly not their concealed carry guns. I realize it’s fun to shoot all types of guns, but if you’re going to spend a lot of money attending a pistol course, train with the gun you regularly carry. Take your non-carry guns to the shooting range and other places, but go to the schools with the gun you bet your life on.
For me, the gun that comes with me to all the training I do is my Glock 19. That’s my concealed carry gun, so that is what I train with. I know you may be thinking this is a lot of common sense. I’m willing to bet that at the next training you attend, the majority of folks will not be training as if it’s “real life.” I just hope you’re not one of them, and that you force yourself to wear regular street clothes… to draw from concealment… and to bring your concealed carry gun with you.
My name is Jack Billington. I’m a former officer. I believe that capability to protect your beloved ones is the most important of all things in men’s life. After service, I went to work as a home security counselor. I devote my free time to conducting shooting courses with firearms. Also, I write a blog about home & self-defense training tips.
You should do that, if you can. Some methods of concealed carry, such as pocket carry, are not permitted to be used in training classes.
As long as you are drawing from concealment and using your normal carry gun, it makes no difference whether you are wearing tactical clothes vs. street clothes. Duh.
I carry outside the waistband only.
Good article and while I heartily agree with the theory, not all edc guns are conducive to the training areas. I know the quips and quotes: a gun is comforting not comfortable…carry enough gun…carry what you train with…etc. some of us, however, choose to carry sub compact sidearms while in suits or during hot weather. There is a market out there for the Kimber Solos, Sig 238 and 938s, KelTeks, Kahrs, SCCY, etc. for a reason. Sometimes, I simply can’t conceal a service-sized or compact firearm conveniently. The rub is that most training events ask you to bring a full… Read more »
Absolutely agree ! I`ve preached that for many a year. Train with the gear you use everyday. BUT, one instructor was borderline insulted when I insisted on using my normal carry system. He trained law enforcement also. I didn`t go,so can`t attest to their methods. But, good grief. Why train your mind and body to behave in a manner never to be used ? Not to beat a dead horse,but I shot a 22 rev. for decades until it finally fired it`s last shot.I trained myself to reload soon as possible. Shooting a different revolver,with different reload feature,needless to say,I… Read more »