Legislator Seeks to Undermine NJ Fish and Game Council with Anti-Hunting Appointees

Upland Bird Hunters Grouse Hunting
Legislator Seeks to Undermine NJ Fish and Game Council with Anti-Hunting Appointees

New Jersey-(Ammoland.com)- On November 30, Senator Raymond Lesniak (D-20), introduced Senate Bill 3537 which would replace three sportsmen members of the New Jersey Fish and Game Council with members of the Humane Society of the United States, the Sierra Club, and Animal Protection League. If it passes, it will give anti-hunting organizations huge power to block hunting in New Jersey. SCI strongly encourages New Jersey hunters and anglers to use SCI’s Action Center to contact your state Senator and urge him or her to oppose Senate Bill 3537!

A state law establishes the composition of the Council as six sportsmen or women recommended to the Governor for appointment by the New Jersey State Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs; three farmers recommended to the Governor for appointment by the agricultural convention; and two commercial fishermen. In 1976, the New Jersey Supreme Court upheld the composition of the Council against constitutional challenges that it was not representative of all residents of New Jersey.

The Council adopts regulations aimed at protecting and developing an adequate supply of fish and game for recreational and commercial purposes. The Council determines when and where in the State hunting and fishing can take place and which freshwater fish, game birds, game animals and fur bearing animals may be taken and in what numbers. In addition, the Council supervises a program of wildlife propagation, all of which are supported by fees for hunting and fishing licenses paid for by sportsmen and women and commercial fishermen.

Hunters and anglers in New Jersey support conservation funding through purchases of licenses and tags, as well as excise taxes paid on hunting and fishing equipment. Hunters who contribute to New Jersey’s wildlife should make decisions regarding hunting seasons, bag limits, etc. in New Jersey. Do not let anti-hunters take that authority away! By opposing Senate Bill 3537, you, together with other hunters and anglers, will help ensure the Council can continue to work for all hunters, anglers, trappers, recreational shooters and other users of New Jersey’s natural resources

About Safari Club International:

First For Hunters is the leader in protecting the freedom to hunt and in promoting wildlife conservation worldwide. SCI has approximately 200 Chapters worldwide and its members represent all 50 of the United States as well as 106 other countries. SCI’s proactive leadership in a host of cooperative wildlife conservation, outdoor education and humanitarian programs, with the SCI Foundation and other conservation groups, research institutions and government agencies, empowers sportsmen to be contributing community members and participants in sound wildlife management and conservation.

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Why worry about hunting in NJ. From what I read there are very few who are lucky enough to own a gun and the type of gun is another prohibition. You folks would have been better off to vote for a toad rather than what you got.


You people of NJ keep electing these people and now you will pay the price for it. Heavily restricted hunting along with firearm registration and confiscation. Good luck.


Tits on a bull.