New Jersey –-(Ammoland.com)- With the take over of the New Jersey Governors office by rabid gun banning Democrat, Phil Murphy, the first attack on NJ gun owners rights and property, of what will be many, has been launched. The proposed bill would ban most all the rifles and shotguns you currently own and legally bought under the current NJ laws.
Sponsored by state senator Senator Nia H. Gill this bill would “strengthen” the State’s current assault weapons ban by revising the definition of an “assault weapon” to include: rifles with detachable magazines and one military style feature; semi-automatic shotguns with one military style feature; and semi-automatic pistols with one military style feature.
You can read the bill here:
The current definition of an assault weapon sets forth a list of prohibited firearms and specifically includes any firearm that is “substantially identical” to any of the enumerated firearms. Under State regulations, a semi-automatic firearm is to be considered substantially identical to an enumerated firearm if it meets certain criteria. This bill codifies these regulations while expanding the number of firearms that would be considered assault weapons by adding criteria and reducing the number of criteria that must be met from two to one. For example, under current regulations, a semi-automatic rifle that has the ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at least two listed criteria would be considered an assault weapon.
These criteria include:
- a folding telescoping stock,
- a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon;
- a flash suppressor or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor;
- and a grenade launcher.
Under the bill, additional criteria are added including a thumbhole stock and a second handgrip or a protruding grip that can be held by the non-trigger hand. The bill also requires that only one criteria be met, rather than the currently required two.
Now is the time to start calling. Ask them for a no vote once in committee. Law and public safety committee members.
- Senator Linda R. Greenstein (D) (Assistant Majority Leader) DISTRICT OFFICE ADDRESS: 1249 South River Rd. Suite 105 Cranbury, NJ 08512 PHONE NUMBER: (609) 395-9911 FAX NUMBER: (609) 395-9032
- Senator Patrick J. Diegnan Jr. (D) DISTRICT OFFICE ADDRESS: 908 Oak Tree Ave. Unit P South Plainfield, NJ 07080 PHONE NUMBER: (908) 757-1677
- Senator Christopher “Kip” Bateman (R) DISTRICT OFFICE ADDRESS: 36 East Main St. Somerville, NJ 08876 PHONE NUMBER: (908) 526-3600
- Senator Joseph P. Cryan (D) DISTRICT OFFICE ADDRESSES: 985 Stuyvesant Ave. Union, NJ 07083 1120 East Jersey St. Elizabeth, NJ 07201 PHONE NUMBERS: (908) 624-0880 (Union) (908) 327-9119 (Elizabeth)
- Senator Declan J. O’Scanlon Jr. (R) DISTRICT OFFICE ADDRESS: (Temporary) 32 Monmouth St. 3rd Floor Red Bank, NJ 07701 PHONE NUMBER: (732) 933-1591
- Senator Nicholas J. Sacco (D) DISTRICT OFFICE ADDRESS: 9060 Palisade Ave. North Bergen, NJ 07047 PHONE NUMBER: (201) 295-0200

About New Jersey Oath Keepers
NJ Oath Keepers is a Constitution Education Outreach, Public Safety, Civil Rights and Anti-Terrorist Group that is composed of Current and former Military Members, Police, Reservists, Sheriffs Officers, Firefighters, First Responders and concerned citizens that have sworn an oath to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States. www.njoathkeepers.org
Phil Murphy and any other gun grabbing politician or judge has zero legal standing to usurp our natural and constitutional rights to gun ownership. Should these clowns succeed in pushing this illegal law, we gun owners will need to organize and openly protest this violation of our sacred rights. I recommend an organized March in Trenton with our guns openly strapped to our shoulders – paint a bright line in the sand for all to see. Let them know we are done being pushed around by radical leftist fascists.
When I go to the court house, I go through a metal detector manned by an armed guard. I go to the Airport and it has armed guards at metal detectors. Go to the stadium for an Eagles game and they have metal detectors at the entrances. No shootings at these places. WHAT?! NO FREAKING WAY!!! But I’m supposed to believe that banning the law abiding citizen from having access to certain types of guns and magazines will make schools safer? I was born at night but it was not last night. You wanna make schools safer, get metal detectors… Read more »
Assault weapons have been banned in nj for more than 20 years and no one freaked out over it or took issue until propaganda of the dems wanting to take away their guns started. Starting a rumor that nj wants to take away assault rifles suddenly when theyve been banned that long already and no one noticed or cared is just making trouble. A terrorist is someone who insites terror in peoples minds to eff with their heads to try and force them to think like terrorist. Youre either am idiot who didnt do research before writing this and just… Read more »
Politicians who are anti gun are anti us constitution and thereby need to be removed in any form possible. They hate your freedom and the fact your firearms make you that way and therefore need to remove them. Unless you wish to be controlled, do something now before it’s too late. We need a mass protest in favor of the second amendment with everyone who possess a firearm to converge on Washington in one large gathering and then see how many cowardly delusional anti gun people sho up to counter protest. We all need to contact every politician that we… Read more »
The incremental pIan is their real agenda. I grew up in California. When I was a kid in the early eighties I had plenty of teachers and other influential people around that were clearly conservatives. I used to strap my .22 rifle to my handle bars and ride over to my buddies house and he did the same. People would see us and they would wave and say hi and tell us to be safe but nobody even raised an eyebrow and we would shoot all day or until we ran out of ammo. Flash forward about 3 election cycles… Read more »
We are the last free country in the world, who have not lost our rights to bear arms. There is a higher agenda at play. And one that has to be played out. We all at some point will have to comply, at some time in the future. The land lords of this country, will make it happen. Its enforced by one dictator. I hope that i am not around when it happens or my children. Yes i say fight and not give up, till the end for one day, we will all be free