Re-elect John L. Cushman to the 2018 NRA Board of Directors

John L. Cushman
John L. Cushman

USA – -( Your NRA Nominating Committee reviewed many incredible Board candidates and determined that John L. Cushman has the expertise, experience and courage needed to help lead us at this crucial time.

John has been on the Board for just over 20 years and has what it takes to continue to be of value to firearms owners and sportsmen – a strong and knowledgeable advocate for our firearms rights.

  • A true grassroots activist leader.
  • Member; Military & Veterans Affairs, Grassroots Development and Outreach Committees and NRA Whittington Center.
  • John Cushman is an active fighter for the Second Amendment and Current Board member.
  • NRA Benefactor member.
  • Life member and Board Member of the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Former Board Member of the New York State Conservation Council for 20 years.
  • Former US Marine.
  • Active with NRA/ILA.
  • Created Legal Defense Fund to fight handgun licensing abuses.
  • Organizes and runs largest yearly Second Amendment Firearms Civil Rights Conference in the Northeast defending individual firearms civil rights and refuting anti-gunners such as Schumer and Clinton.
  • Defends individual firearms rights on radio, television and print.
  • Inducted into NY State Outdoorsmen Hall of Fame and Honored by NYSRPA as Man of the Year 2016.
  • Wrote authoritative policy statement used by outdoor writers and politicians nationwide defending semi-automatic firearms.

The NRA has a track record of winning! We must keep the same team that led us to victory by electing president trump and witnessing the confirmation of justice Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court and John is part of that team.

Please consider voting for John when you get your NRA 2018 ballot in the mail.

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Quit voting the same characters in and expecting different results. If he supported banning bump stocks then we need new blood. Look at how these guys vote and get real pro2A people in. (Like Adam Kraut)
We keep giving up on issues and getting nothing in return, like the case with bump stocks. They will get banned and we will get nothing in return except another restriction.

Bruce Welch

Adam Kraut!!!


The same NRA that wants the atf to be able to regulate ( ie illegally legislate with no Constitutional authority) bump stocks and binary triggers?

Wild Bill

Mr Cushman has been on the BoD for twenty years. Twenty years of more and more gun control. The unconstitutional NFA of 1934 and the GCA of 1968 still exist. I think that he has had his chance.

Rob Mallon

No more FUDDs



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