Gun Owners of America Statement on Pres. Trump Bump Stock Memo

Slide Fire SSAR-15 Mod Bump Fire Stock
Slide Fire SSAR-15 Mod Bump Fire Stock

Springfield, VA –-( President Donald Trump released a memo to direct the attorney general to seek comments on a rule purporting to ban bump stocks. The memo, states, in part:

“Today, I am directing the Department of Justice to dedicate all available resources to complete the review of the comments received, and, as expeditiously as possible, to propose for notice and comment a rule banning all devices that turn legal weapons into machineguns.”

In light of Trump’s action, Executive Director of Gun Owners of America (GOA) Erich Pratt issued the following statement:

“If President Donald Trump’s goal is to ban bump stocks, then that is a gross infringement of Second Amendment rights. GOA has long warned that such a ban can easily be applied to triggers, magazines, or semi-automatic firearms.

“Furthermore, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has ruled multiple times that bump stocks do not convert semi-automatic firearms into fully-automatic firearms. Converting semi-automatic firearms into fully-automatic firearms is already illegal under federal law.

“Additionally, a ban on bump stocks would ignore the ATF’s previous public comment period that garnered over a hundred thousand comments, which were overwhelmingly anti-regulation.

“Banning bump stocks will not stop criminals from getting guns, but it can be used by gun controllers to ban triggers, magazines, and semi-automatic firearms.

“While Trump ran as a pro-gun candidate, this action does not appear to line up with his campaign rhetoric. Instead of further restricting the right to keep and bear arms, Trump should urge Congress to pass H.R. 34, which would repeal gun-free school zones, an issue Trump campaigned on.

“Regardless of Trump’s future actions on bump stocks, Gun Owners of America remains committed to fighting any bump stock ban or regulation — including the use of legal action.”

Gun Owners of America

Erich Pratt, or another GOA spokesperson, is available for interviews. Gun Owners of America is a nonprofit lobbying organization dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. GOA represents over 1.5 million members and activists. For more information, visit GOA’s Newsroom.

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E. Bryan Hoover

Jim C. wrote:

“Piece meal banning of parts is not a policy …”

Precisely, which is why the Trump executive order does not mention bump stocks.

And why the executive order returns the law to the way it was between 1934 and the Obama administrations.

The alternative is to have the liberal democrats (the gun grabbers) have a seat at the political tble.

E. Bryan Hoover

E. Bryan Hoover

The executive order put out by President Trump says nothing about, repeat NOTHING, about Bump Stocks. The executive order says only that any modification to a semi-automatic gun, that turns it into an automatic weapon, should be made illegal (the way it was before the Obama administration changed the regulations). Why would the Obama administration do this — probably for the same reason the Obama administration did Fast and Furious. The regulation change is a response to the Las Vegas mass murder. The Las Vegas shooting was done with automatic weapons. I was in the military — trust me —… Read more »

Jim C.

Piece meal banning of parts is not a policy and will open the way to more Democrat-style banning ala CA.
Very misguided of President Trump.


Couldn’t read through all the garbage, but read some, and those for banning things can’t be more wrong. Bump stocks have nothing to do with saving peoples lives nor does any of this crap Trump is calling for except arming and training certain teachers to have guns in school. Better yet just do away with the gun free crap altogether that will help more than anything. But banning things more laws upping the age to own one etc… is just you all being duped into status thinking and that society is more important that individual rights. We lived well over… Read more »

Ron W.

If Dave and others don’t want bump stocks, we must respect their wishes to voluntary waive their rights. That is their choice and may they go in peace. By what authority do they claim the right to deny or restrict the rights of anyone else? I personally have no desire for a bump stock, although sometimes on the range I engage in bump fire, a skill I picked up as a range master in the military. It’s enjoyable, makes a lot of noise and can be pretty impressive, but also uses up a lot of ammo very quickly. In this… Read more »


Trump did not ban anything, he can’t do that. He asked DOJ to study the bump stock, Sen Feinstein said BATF can’t ban them,it will end up in courts for years. Trump signed a memorandum directing Attorney General Jeff Sessions to propose new regulations that would ban devices that can effectively turn legal weapons into machine guns. We all know any bump stock can’t make a semi auto firearm into a machine gun, the internal parts to do that are not installed. The rifle cycles no faster with or without the bump stock. You just have to have a fast… Read more »