Media Continues The Lie That “Most Crime Guns Are Domestically Sourced”

Crime Guns Bad Guys Robbers Criminal Stolen Gun
Media Continues The Lie That “Most Crime Guns Are Domestically Sourced”

Canada – -( On January 13, 2018, a bullet fired from a drug dealer’s gun ended 15-year-old Alfred Wong’s life. He died in the back seat of his parents’ vehicle as it traveled down Broadway near Ontario Street, another tragic victim of Vancouver’s ongoing drug trade turf wars.

Our hearts, prayers and condolences go out to Alfred Wong’s family as they cope with the death of their son and the horror now permanently etched on their hearts.

The Province reports known drug dealer Kevin Whiteside, the intended target, has prior firearms convictions and a court-ordered lifetime firearms prohibition order registered against him. On the day he died, Whiteside violated that firearms prohibition order, shooting back at his own killer.

Kash Heed, former B.C. solicitor general, said: “These firearms are from outside of Canada or they are taken during burglaries here in Canada. There is a market for this kind of commodity and most of that market goes to the individuals that are involved in gang activity or drug activity.”

Kash Heed is correct – drug dealers and gangs are the primary market for illegal guns. Therefore, police and government focus should be stopping drug dealers and criminal gangs.

Unfortunately, Kim Bolan, writing for The Province, offered misinformation instead of fact when she ended her column with this statement: “As of 2016, most B.C. criminals were getting their guns in Canada. Some were stolen from individuals or businesses. Others were bought by ‘straw purchasers’ – people not on police radar who are paid to get a gun licence and make legal firearm purchases on behalf of a criminal.”

Bolan perpetuates the myth promoted by police that most criminals obtain their guns inside Canada.

According to Calibre Magazine’s analysis of the 2015 B.C. Illegal Firearms Task Force Report, fully two-third of B.C.’s illegal guns come from outside Canadian borders.

The combined total of all firearms identified by the study, through any method, as having been domestically sourced totals just 377 of the 1,140 crime guns analyzed. That’s 33 per cent … a far cry from qualifying as anywhere near the “bulk” of crime guns.

As the 2015 B.C. Illegal Firearms Task Force Report data shows, one-third is a long way from “most.”

Bolan also fails to mention the “straw purchasers” are individuals easily tracked and prosecuted by police.

Two recent examples, Justin Green and Matthew Ward-Jackson, obtained firearms with a valid Possession and Acquisition Licence. Both men sold their legally-purchased guns to violent criminals. Both are now serving lengthy prison terms for their crimes, as they should.

Justin Green bought 23 firearms legally. He then sold them to criminals. Only an idiot believes guns sold to criminals cannot be tracked back to the legal purchaser. That’s precisely what happened to Justin Green.

“He [Justin Green] was discovered through the efforts of Toronto’s firearms enforcement unit after they found his gun at a crime scene,” said Crown attorney Erin Pancer. “Green’s the worst type of offender. He’s a trusted citizen who betrayed that trust by trafficking firearms and jeopardizing the lives of Torontonians.”

And he paid the price for violating that trust and is now serving an 8-year prison sentence.

Matthew Ward-Jackson: The 30-year-old Toronto man pleaded guilty last year to trafficking three separate firearms to Millard in 2012 as well as possessing an AK 47 automatic rifle. (Twitter, The Hamilton Spectator
Matthew Ward-Jackson: The 30-year-old Toronto man pleaded guilty last year to trafficking three separate firearms to Millard in 2012 as well as possessing an AK 47 automatic rifle. (Twitter, The Hamilton Spectator)

Matthew Ward-Jackson also legally purchased handguns and sold them to criminals, including the handgun he sold to convicted murderer Dellen Millard. He is currently serving an 11-year prison sentence, but with our 2-for-1 pretrial custody rules, only 5 years remain on his sentence.

Once more, violent criminals shooting each other in the street leaves an innocent young man dead.

Once more, politicians obfuscate the truth and newspaper writers happily dish out misinformation as if it were the indisputable truth.



About Canadian Shooting Sports Association:

The CSSA is the voice of the sport shooter and firearms enthusiast in Canada. Our national membership supports and promotes Canada’s firearms heritage, traditional target shooting competition, modern action shooting sports, hunting, and archery. We support and sponsor competitions and youth programs that promote these Canadian heritage activities. Website

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Marc Disabled Vet



Two points resonate with me. First, controlling gun acquisition is like trying to plug the holes in a sieve. I imagine that the guns sourced outside of Canada mostly came from the US. So, what is a country to do? Build a wall across its border? Handguns not smuggled across the land boarder with the US will be smuggled through Canada’s seaports. And, the same will happen to smuggling in the US if ATF managed to track-down all the clandestine factories that will spring-up if leakage from the lawful market is ever stopped. Second, so long as there is any… Read more »


No surprise here. The same lies are told over and over again in the U.S. as well. Bloomburg has his own lying misinformation group. His group acts like they have thousand of people supporting them, but in reality there are about thirty of them. They go from city to city and LIE about the facts like areas with high CCW do have much low crime rates, but they state that high CCW areas have high crime rates…LIE, LIE, LIE, and the FBI and other government, NRA and other private/professional organization stats prove this out..!!! They want our guns so they… Read more »

Jim Macklin

Oh Canada! Do any manufacturers make guns in Canada? Yes, but the USA and China make far more. Surprise, criminals commit crimes.
The government is happy to paint ALL gun owners as criminals because citizens own guns, even in Canada.

Green Mtn. Boy

This is a surprise why,the MSM media is the propaganda wing of the Commiecrat party.