NJ Gun Clubs Threaten Lawsuit Over Lacy Township Students’ Gun Range Photos

Right to keep and bear arms
Two students at Lacey Township High-school, NJ were suspended for posting a picture of themselves shooting guns at a private gun range with the caption “fun day at the range”.

Lacey Township NJ – -(Ammoland.com)- Two students at Lacey Township High-school, NJ were suspended for posting a picture of themselves shooting guns at a private gun range with the caption “fun day at the range“. The school’s zero tolerance policy says that students cannot be in possession of weapons at any time, whether on or off campus.

Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs today demanded in a lawyer letter that the Lacey Township School District immediately rescind disciplinary actions taken against several students for posting social media photos of themselves near firearms at a target range.

Lacy NJ High School Students Suspended over Gun Range Photos
Lacy NJ High School Students Suspended over Gun Range Photos
Lacey Township School Student Handbook
Lacey Township School Student Handbook

The student handbook in that district provides that students are subject to suspension if they are “reported to be in possession of a weapon of any type for any reason or purpose WHETHER ON OR OFF SCHOOL GROUNDS during the academic year.”

Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs attorney Dan Schmutter penned the lawyer letter, which also demands that the school district rescind its unconstitutional policy, clear the records of the students disciplined, and apologize to the students and their families.

ANJRPC Demand Letter to Lacey NJ Schools Regarding Suspension Of Students with Range Photos.

“Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs is prepared to sue if the school district refuses to do the right thing,” said ANJRPC Executive Director Scott Bach. “Schools do not have the authority to chill the First or Second Amendment rights of their students off of school grounds, and this blatant infringement of constitutional rights will not be tolerated.”

The Lacey Township School District did not reply to our request for comments.

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This NON-COMMON SENSE comes out of a DemocRATic communist/muslem party controlled NJ State.
No surprise here.
When will Americans stop allowing these communists to CONTROL them?????

Leo Smith

Sue the School, Sue the State, and take every dime you can get dfrom the Naziis’ inNJ.. BTW I bought 2 more guns and 1000 rounds of ammo

An Angry farmer

Let me guess, this same school wouldn’t happen to have a “Society for Creative Anachronism” group?


Parents need to remove their children from those schools en mass. When I had a issue with my daughters school 20 years ago, I told them I was taking her to another town’s school, at a cost $5,400 a year to me, and I would be deducing that amount from my annual home property tax payment, they relented. Now a large portion of Lacey Township School District residents need to do the same.


Just wait till baseball season starts. I can’t wait to get pictures of their entire baseball team wielding baseball bats and swinging them with anger and malice. Oh and the softball team.

HMLA-167 Warrior

So the students cannot whittle as stick with a pocket KNIFE, cut their chicken with a kitchen KNIFE, go hunting at all, participate in Boy Scout Archery merit badge activities, participate in 4H camp where they may see a bow and arrow, gut a fish with a KNIFE, etc etc etc. what a stupid policy.

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