No Justice Stevens, America Should Never Repeal the Second Amendment

Justice John Paul Stevens
Justice John Paul Stevens

U.S.A.-( Tim Schmidt, the Founder & President of the United States Concealed Carry Association, is today responding to an op-ed at the New York Times written by retired liberal Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, which essentially lays bare the overarching goal of the anti-gun movement: A complete repeal of the 2nd Amendment and stripping Americans of their right to self-defense.

“It is disappointing that a retired associate justice of the United States Supreme Court would support a measure that would effectively end our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms,” said Tim Schmidt, Founder & President of the United States Concealed Carry Association. “While we understand the push for something to be done to stop violence at the hands of criminals, the Second Amendment exists to protect lives, and should never be repealed. The only thing to stop a bad person from using a gun to kill is a responsibly armed citizen.”

In response to the Florida high school shooting, The White House vowed to help provide “rigorous firearms training” to some schoolteachers, reported the Washington Post, which is something that has long been endorsed by Tim Schmidt, president of the U.S. Concealed Carry Association.

The USCCA has helped train tens of thousands of Americans become responsibly armed Americans. In fact, at USCCA’s annual expo in Louisville April 13th to 15th there will be several training seminars on topics such as Mitigating the Active Shooter Threat in Our Schools, Protecting Our Places of Worship: Church Safety and Security Training, and Countering the Mass Shooter Threat.

About the USCCAU.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA)

The U.S. Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) provides education, training and self-defense insurance to responsible American gun owners. Headquartered in West Bend, WI, the USCCA is the largest and fastest-growing association whose sole focus is the responsibly armed American.

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James VJ

Repealing the Second Amendment with another constitutional amendment is virtually impossible because it is difficult to amend the Constitution.


And keeping in mind those fleeing redcoats, falling one by one from sniper fire, let us not forget the advice Solzhenitsyn gave us about what to do with the gungrabbers when they come in the middle of the night, bashing down your doors. Give those oath breakers a reason to wish they had never gone out of their warm houses to pay you a visit. And the word will spread amongst the rest of them not to tread on Americans.


Article 6, Clause 2 (The Supremacy Clause) states that all laws must conform to the Supreme Law of The Land ( the Constitution and the Bill of Rights ). And if they don’t conform, they are null and void and WE THE PEOPLE owe no allegiance to the illegal laws. And the authorities have no duty to enforce illegal laws, although they may be fired for refusing to do so. But that Is a choice they have to make on an individual basis. This being said, until the 2A is repealed, all the gun laws that “INFRINGE” are illegal laws… Read more »


What are they going to fight us with, they don’t want to touch any nasty guns. I guess they think the government gunners, cops and military will take us on. I suppose that is possible but it would make this United States totally unrecognizable. The end result would be no country and the U.N. or E.U would own this territory, lock, stock and barrel. It appears the left would go for whatever it took to get their way, if they did. If not shoot them until they are no more.


justice of the United States Supreme Court would support a measure that would effectively end our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, so says Tim Schmidt. So what? Go ahead and repeal that Second. It won’t change a thing. We have that right to arms as a part of our very right to LIFE. No flyspecks on paper can change that. We have the right, it is only named, recognised, then all government at every level are ORDERED to not infringe upon that right. Go ahead and repeal that…… (but first stop and consider what would have to… Read more »

Jim Macklin

Retired Justice Stevens must now agree with deceased Justice Scalia on the scope and range of the Second Amendment. In the HELLER case Stevens tried to craft his useless, neutered Second Amendment. He failed at that. So he proposes to repeal the amendment because it stops all the schemes he has. The Left pretends that Scalia upheld a wide range of gun controls. No such thing. Scalia warned that HELLER was limited and those other laws which were not on the table are still in effect and can be enforced. Something to watch for is clandestine re-writes of documents on-line… Read more »


The REAL reason for repeal of the Second Amendment – an integral part of the Bill of Rights – is to establish a precedent that ANY and ALL parts of the Bill of Rights may be eliminated. Doesn’t anyone else see that the leftist, anti-America crowd are playing the long game here?


The First Amendment allows senility to speak.

I think we should have his mental health checked.

Wild Bill

@Lou, Stevens is, also, being used by the Anti-Civil Rights movement. Which means he is no smarter than Kyle Hogg. Apparently, at ninety-three, mental faculties have diminished to that of a C- teenager.

Marc Disabled Vet

America Cannot Afford a Civil War !
That is What would happen if it’s tried !


Marc, we are in a political civil war now. Where does it go from here? It will get worse before it gets better.

Clark Kent

‘Soap box, ballot box, cartridge box’ – Abraham Lincoln.