USA – -( “It was great learning about our inalienable right of #2A and how to properly use a gun,” Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Kyle Kashuv tweeted Friday. “This was my first time ever touching a gun and it made me appreciate the #Constitution even more. My instructor was very informative; I learnt a lot. #2A is important and we need 2 preserve 2A.”
Kashuv went to the range with his father to learn safe and responsible gun use with an AR-15. When he talked about guns, especially the kind most demonized for bans, he would now have hand-on experience to know what he was talking about.
Unlike those who get fawning media attention, Kashuv did not emerge from the February “gun-free zone” exploitation murders intent on gutting the Second Amendment. Rather, his experience confirmed for him an interest in learning more about the one right that the Founders knew could ultimately protect the others.
Kashuv did everything openly, engaging in and sharing his enthusiasm about an activity that, for much of this country’s population, has been a tradition. And the response from indignant “progressives”?
He was attacked on Twitter by leftist ankle-biters accusing him of grandstanding for attention and intimidating Stoneman Douglas survivors. Other students, indoctrinated to be good little informants for the state, “complained” to the school, resulting in Kashuv being dragooned by armed “school resource officers” and grilled as if he were suspected of plotting the next massacre.
“Near the end of third period, my teacher got a call from the office saying I need to go down and see a Mr. Greenleaf,” Kashuv recalled in a Monday Daily Wire report:
“I didn’t know Mr. Greenleaf, but it turned out that he was an armed school resource officer. I went down and found him, and he escorted me to his office. Then a second security officer walked in and sat behind me. Both began questioning me intensely. First, they began berating my tweet, although neither of them had read it; then they began aggressively asking questions about who I went to the range with, whose gun we used, about my father, etc. They were incredibly condescending and rude.”
These “heroes” weren’t that intimidating when there was an actual threat, were they? And just to make sure they had him under control and sufficiently intimidated, a Broward County deputy – the same guys who waited outside while a real threat was inside slaughtering with impunity – joined in the grilling. He even reportedly scolded Kashuv over getting “snappy” by standing up for his rights.
“Multiple reports from around the time of the Feb. 14 shooting identify Kelvin Greenleaf as a ‘civilian security monitor’ or a ‘security specialist’ at the school,” a Fox News follow-up reports. Kevin Greenleaf was also reportedly told of death threats by the Stoneman Douglas killer.
Hey, at least he’s on top of a student who poses no danger — except to the narrative his bosses are promoting.
Kashuv reports he was isolated, interrogated and intimidated, and recounts he was not allowed to record the conversation. This was done without parental consent, and with no opportunity to solicit legal counsel. It was done for no other apparent reasons than Kashuv disagreeing with prevailing “progressive” sentiment on guns. And for actually participating in a “gun culture” authorities and administrators are bent on eradicating.
In a way, this works out though, via unintended consequences. More and more Americans are being turned off by the clenched fist fascism of armband-wearing David Hogg, and the “¿Armas para que?” fanaticism of Cuban flag-wearing Emma González. Seeing budding statists feted while the only “normal” kid among them is singled out for police harassment is making an impression, and not a favorable one for the increasingly alienating teenage gun-grabbers du jour.
Plenty are sick of their obnoxious, narcissistic and immature know-it-all ignorance. And we’re not intimidated from letting their handlers know it’s not going to be that easy for them.
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.
In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
It sounds like several amendment rights were violated by the school district and it’s security team. I would be talking to a civil rights lawyer about a law suite against the district, a federal suite for violation of his civil rights, and the dismisal of the administrators who allowed and participated in these violations. Not to mention of a learning facility pulling a student from class deneying him the right to education time while being grilled. If I were the principal and supertentent I’d be in fear of losing my job and not in fear of a student experencing an… Read more »
The boy said on the news last night that he wanted to tape the conversation and the police said no! I would have anyway then go to a lawyer and take the police department and school for every dime they will ever have!!!
Just goes to show what happens when you let liberal run amock!
So we can mark this up as another failure of the school administration to protect its students from an armed threat…… just what is the “status” of the investigation and when can we EXPECT RESULTS? Like the removal of the Sheriffs and the school administrators responsible for the utter failure to perform the functions they were hired/elected to do?
Typical useless scum cops.
Many seem to look past the real reasons why this is happening.. Ask your self this. WHY interrogate and suspend a Kindergartner for chewing a Pop Tart into the shape of a pistol? Obviously he can’t perform a school shooting with a pastry. What REALLY is going on is the brainwashing and instilling the though which associates EVERYTHING gun related is bad and trouble will ensue should you choose to be associated with firearms. What better way to kill the firearms industry in America than to raise up an entire generation who will associate everything gun related as bad and… Read more »
Yet another unimpeachable argument in favor of home schooling.