Dallas Texas – -(Ammoland.com)- Last weekend was the NRA Annual Meetings, and except for my talk on Sunday morning, I manned our booth the entire time.
We picked up more than 400 new people on our email list, so I want to welcome all our new subscribers.
For those who weren’t able to be in Dallas, above you will find a video of my talk where I discussed some of the many gun control lies getting attention these days. The video didn’t pick up the PowerPoint charts that I used, but I have included a link that has many of those graphs.
Besides attending the NRA event, I have written four op-ed pieces over the last couple of weeks. They have covered everything from responding to fact-check claims that the NRA and President Trump were being hypocritical by banning permitted concealed handguns at the president’s talk, the misleading depiction of guns in television entertainment shows, a piece for Baptists on whether guns should be allowed in churches, and how the media is misleading people about young people’s views on guns.
Of the radio interviews that I did, I would strongly recommend the interview with the BBC. It is only a few minutes long, but it still does a good job of explaining why the British host has an incorrect view of guns in the US, the UK, and the rest of the world.
However, I am particularly proud of the new research that we have done on Louis Klarevas’ widely publicized work on the assault weapons ban and our updated work on mass public shootings occurring in gun-free zones. Regarding the assault weapons ban, gun control advocates would predict that the percent of shootings involving assault weapons should have been lowest during the federal ban from 1994 to 2014. But that is clearly not what you see.
Finally, I do have to apologize for being about a month behind in sending out thank you cards for those who donated at least $50. All I can say is that even with 15 or 16 hour days of work, I seem to keep falling further behind. If it is any consolation, there is at least one academic who has also been waiting for a month for me to take care of work on a project that we have on policing. There are also a couple of projects I haven’t started that I need to finish before some legislation comes up for a vote in Congress this summer. Anyway, I am doing my best, and I hope that you understand.
For information on activities at the Crime Prevention Research Center, here is a link to our “info deck.” Please view in full-screen mode and scroll using the arrow buttons at the bottom of the screen.
John R. Lott, Jr.
Crime Prevention Research Center
[email protected]
(484) 802-5373
About Crime Prevention Research Center
The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) is a research and education organization dedicated to conducting academic quality research on the relationship between laws regulating the ownership or use of guns, crime, and public safety; educating the public on the results of such research; and supporting other organizations, projects, and initiatives that are organized and operated for similar purposes. Visit: www.crimepreventionresearchcenter.org
I would have liked to hear what was being said. OH WELL! Perhaps you need to get the program that was called “dragon” that would put you words onto a computer program so it can be read.
Many people leave out the deaf – – the unseen handicap.