U.S.A. – -(Ammoland.com)- “[A] proposal in New York’s legislature would outlaw all high school shooting sports programs in the state — including air rifle teams and archery clubs — on the premise that they feed into a gun and shooting culture that could lead to violence,” the Associated Press reported Thursday.
“Schools should not be supporting the spread of gun culture in society,” bill sponsor Manhattan Assemblywoman Linda B. Rosenthal (a Democrat, naturally) insists. “If parents want their children to have shooting instruction, there are opportunities that have nothing to do with the school.”
The problem with that is, when students do it on their own time and share the experience, the anti-gun zealots melt down and report them to “authorities.” Ask Kyle Kashuv.
Besides, schools are supposed to be where people go to learn things, and a significant number of American homes are lived in by gun owners who pay taxes that fund public schools.
What Rosenthals’ bill aims to do is amend New York education laws as currently enacted that “authorize instructions to be given in the safe and proper use of firearms allowed by law.” What she wants to do instead is impose:
So much for gun-grabber claims that what they’re attempting to pass “commonsense gun safety laws.” That’s just a transparently obvious catchphrase to mask disarmament goals. If you want to learn about actual gun safety, particularly for youths, no organization does more – or is more qualified to do it – than the group they blame, the National Rifle Association. (As a side note to show how times have changed, back when DC Comics hadn’t yet been taken over by “progressives” and was headquartered blocks from what is now Rosenthal’s district – Superboy championed an NRA-sponsored youth shooting program.)
Rosenthal’s bill confirms the Orwellian cognitive dissonance that says ignorance is strength, or in this case, safety. As we see time and again, for oxymoronic “progressives,” every day is Opposite Day.
Another inconvenient truth, from no less a source than the U.S. Department of Justice in its 1994 research summary “Urban Delinquency and Substance Abuse – Initial Findings,” the conclusion under “Gun ownership and delinquency” (p. 18) noted:
“Boys who own legal firearms, however, have much lower rates of delinquency and drug use and are even slightly less delinquent than nonowners of guns.”
Rosenthal knows that ignorance leads to bigotry and fear, and that those, in turn, lead to hatred and a demand that “something must be done.” It is in her interests to keep constituents ignorant enough to continue giving her political power.
What she’s trying to do will actually make young people less safe, but that is of no concern to her.
All that matters to those who crave it is more power.
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.
In addition to being a field editor/columnist at GUNS Magazine and associate editor for Oath Keepers, he blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
Perhaps they should stop drivers ed classes… It COULD lead to violent deaths on the highways…
If Gun Control takes effect there will be 50 million new criminals with guns, I will be one of them!
Rosenthal, needs to discuss her stupidity with the Jews For the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. About JPFO: Fierce Defender of American Liberty Three primary goals drive the Washington-based human-rights group Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO): Destroy so-called “gun control” (code words for disarming innocent people). Expose the misguided notions that lead people to seek out so-called “gun control”. Encourage Americans to understand and defend all of the Bill of Rights for all citizens. The Second Amendment is the “Guardian” of the Bill of Rights. Get a very aggressive defense of your rights. Founded by Jews in 1989,… Read more »
Archery – the gateway sport.
The angry puss on Linda Rosenthal-D-NY could stop a hunting dog in its tracks. If the school bans gun clubs the kiddies will go to a private gun club to learn firearms safety. Kyle Kashuv the pro -gun, pro-second Amendment, pro-NRA hero Parkland shooting survivor did just that with his father. One of the wuss bedwetter mothers reported the father-son outing to the cops. Heavily armed sheriff’s deputies and school Resource Officers pulled Kyle’s sorry ass out of class the interrogate him. “Why was he shooting that scary looking gun?” These were the same coward, dereliction of duty deputies who… Read more »
I would rather my girls know how to safely handle a gun than get to a friend’s house with a gun that loaded and someone accidentally shit because they didn’t know how to check!!! Owning a gun knowing how to use it does not encourage our kids to kill other kids!! The video games and shows parents are letting kids play are an issue get off ur soap box and don’t dumb down our kids! You want you kids to be blind fine but don’t take away a kids option to b included in something that is great just because… Read more »