Canada – -(Ammoland.com)- First, Mark Holland stood in the House of Commons and inferred Canadian firearm owners are thugs:
“What thugs do is to make sure they are able to keep weapons in their car and not have to answer any questions. That is what they are going to do. They are going to put the weapons in the car and drive wherever they go. They know that if they are pulled over by a police officer, all they have to do is list one of a million different places to explain where they are going.”
Mark Holland probably didn’t mean to call all licensed, law-abiding firearm owners thugs, but those are the only people who can explain their way out of the police situation Holland described.

Then Liberal Member of Parliament Pam Damoff stood in the House of Commons:
“I keep hearing this term law abiding gun owners. And I appreciate that the majority of people who own firearms are law-abiding gun owners. Marc Lepine, who killed fourteen women a Polytechnique, also had a firearms license. Alexandre Bissonnette, who killed six men in the mosque in Quebec City, had a valid firearms license. So, you know, we talk about law-abiding firearms owners. A lot of times they are until they’re not.”
Not to be outdone by his fellow parliamentarians, Bob Nault, M.P. (Kenora) stood in the House of Commons and launched his attack:
“I think one of our major concerns in today’s gun scenario, and we see it in the U.S. and in Canada, is that there are a lot of mental issues with people who have firearms.”
If Mr. Nault’s claim was true, the RCMP would revoke hundreds of thousands of firearm licences every year. They don’t.

We understand political rhetoric but when elected Members of Parliament, speaking on behalf of the government, misunderstand our community as gravely as these three individuals do, it is no longer political rhetoric but political character assassination.
Canada’s responsible firearm owners are the second largest group of sporting enthusiasts in the country, bested only by sport-fishing. Golf, the next most popular sport, has 1.5 million participants and hockey trails with 1.2 million.
These Liberal Party stooges view 2.1 million federally licensed, RCMP-vetted firearm owners as mentally deranged –– violent criminals ready to snap at the slightest provocation.
The visceral hatred these statements reveal signals a much deeper issue. Replace the words “gun owner” with any other identifiable group and the outrage would be instantaneous, monumental and catastrophic to the career of the person uttering such words.
Imagine if Mark Holland said: “What Metis’ do is to make sure they are able to keep weapons in their car and not have to answer any questions.”
Or if Pam Damoff said: “Women are law-abiding until they are not.”
Or if Bob Nault said: “…that there are a lot of mental issues with Quebeckers who own sports cars.”
They would be forced to resign in disgrace amid a parliamentary and media furor.
So why is denigrating the character of 2.1 million Canadians, men, and women who have not broken any laws, who are federally licensed to own firearms, and who are vetted daily by the RCMP, deemed to be acceptable by our government?
- https://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/house/sitting-307/hansard#Int-10181133
- https://www.ourcommons.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/house/sitting-316/hansard#Int-10225883
- https://parlvu.parl.gc.ca/XRender/en/PowerBrowser/PowerBrowserV2/20180618/-1/29616
- https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2013/pc-ch/CH24-1-2012-eng.pdf
About Canadian Shooting Sports Association ( CSSA ):
The CSSA is the voice of the sport-shooter and firearms enthusiast in Canada. Our national membership supports and promotes Canada’s firearms heritage, traditional target shooting competition, modern action shooting sports, hunting, and archery. We support and sponsor competitions and youth programs that promote these Canadian heritage activities. Website www.cdnshootingsports.org
Love the “I keep hearing this term law abiding gun owners.” “So, you know, we talk about law abiding firearms owners. A lot of times they are until they’re not.” ~ Pam Damoff” I will put a little different, BUT TRUE, spin on this quote. “So, you know, we talk about law making POLITICIANS. A lot of times, they are until they follow their OWN FEEELLINNNGGGS when making SUPPOSED LAWS that the SUBJECTS must obey. OH! By the way, THUGS do not obey the laws that LAW ABIDING People obey!”
Who the hell cares what a bunch of mis-guided neo-Socialist Canadians say or think about America’s struggle to overcome stupidity and ignorance among our population. Canada is hardly a model of stability for us to find much value in. With all due respect, the Canadian political well-being has it’s own chinks in their armor. Just ask most knowledgeable Canadians, rather than the crap-feed we get from their deeply-biased media. Sound familiar? I had some great, loyal friends among Canadians, mostly the western provinces. They have no voice now, due to a very similar political stranglehold as we in the U.S.… Read more »
Canadians should have let Quebec go when they wanted to leave. Normal people in Canada would be far better off now.
Why do I care what Kanadians think? Worry about yourself and try and curb your own gun violence, gangs and financial issued socialism and keep our name out of your mouth.
I say, taking a break from welding up my new steel falling targets, waving my AMERICAN flag, holding an AR I built, with ammo I loaded and my Glock I customized, in its holster I built, utilizing my one fingered your not my country wave!
The libertard gov in Canada has just about run its course with the shiny pony. Turdo has proven to be incompetent and it is only a mater of time before he is run out of office with a no confidence vote.