“Beefed-Up-Security” But Where’s the Beef?


Sleeping Security Monitor
“Beefed-Up-Security” But Where’s the Beef?

Ft Collins, CO –-(Ammoland.com)- “Where’s the Beef?”

For one, I have scant tolerance for meaningless phrases and terms, spewing endlessly from the mouths of shallow, self-centered media talking-heads!

Recently, we’ve seen and heard yet another typically glib headline, in the wake of high-profile, violent incidents:

“Security to be ‘beefed-up’ at _________”

“Beefed-up?” What does that mean?

We’re supposed to naively believe that real, substantive physical security enhancements have been made in this institution or that, in an effort to protect the disarmed from VCAs, (violent criminal actors) who are armed.

Yet, in most cases, “beefed-up-security” loosely translates to:

  1. Additional overtime hours for unarmed security
  2. More cameras (that no one watches)
  3. More “gun-free-zone” signs (that are universally ignored, particularly by VCAs)

And that’s about it!

The term, “beefing-up security” has been added to the trendy lexicon of meaningless, non-descriptive supererogatory verbiage, like “holistic approach,” “going forward,” “at the end of the day,” “reach out,” ad nauseam.

It’s a shallow, phoney “filler-phrase”, a “feel-good expression” devoid of any substantive meaning, designed for blind consumption by the naive and self-indulgent.

What is remarkable, and simultaneously tragic, is that nationwide “beefing-up security” initiatives never include allowing innocent citizens, who are the ones most threatened by armed VCAs, the right to defend themselves in any way that has at least some chance of success.

American citizens, facing a real threat of sudden, lethal attack where they work, at public gatherings, in their homes, as they travel, are routinely precluded from assuming any responsibility for their own self defense.

Instead, they are “assured” that “security” as been “beefed-up.”

This represents an amoral lie and an outrage of immense proportions!

Once again, the only way that the word “security” will ever have any real meaning is when it is personal!

“All utopias are dystopias. The term ‘dystopia’ was coined by fools who believed a ‘utopia’ can be functional.” ~ AE Samaan


Defense Training International, Inc

About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc
As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor John Farnam will urge you, based on your own beliefs, to make up your mind in advance as to what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to make sure that their students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.

It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to the Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit: www.defense-training.com

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Who watches the watchman is a question needful of addressing, which means answering. While on the subject of answers, said answers need to be in Plain English.


The only SECURITY that is effective is that provided by those whose responsibility it is to maintain “the security of a free state”……. and which is the underlying reason the RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE to keep and bear OUR OWN arms to assure OUR OWN security wherever we happen to be. Anything short of that only means the government-as-god actors might show up in time to draw the chal outlines, gather up the spent shell casings, perhaps interview any survivors, secure any firearms or other tools lying about, and MAYBE run some ballistics tests to maybe figure out whcih gun… Read more »


Simple! Stay alert. Stay armed. Practice. The police will only shoe up AFTER your dead.


My state correctional facility is currently undergoing “security” enhancement. With close to one thousand real time security cameras being installed on our unit at this time. They are being placed in every building and every area available to staff and inmates (except the Wardens’ offices). They offer real time video monitoring of pretty much all inmate (and staff) activity outside of the cells. All captured footage is recorded for at least thirty days before the hard drives on the servers begin overwriting the captured video footage. Now the problem is the only people monitoring this footage are the senior warden,… Read more »


The political left is using gun violence: death and Human suffering, as a medium to gain support in both constituents and the legislature. They have done literally nothing to protect our kids in schools. They are not working to solve the problem because they are achieving their goals from it. The direction Globalism, Statism, and the Progressive Left are heading is a Police State. We can see this in EU and UK. As a logical minded American with young children, I’m beyond pissed: my children are unguarded along with the several hundred other children. NRA National School Shield offered a… Read more »


What do we expect? Beefed up security programs from VEGANS!!!!!!!!


Why do we permit the gun-grabbers to do more of what has been empirically proven — repeatedly, to be ineffective in solving the problem? Whether it is more “gun control laws” or “beefing up security” it has not worked, and it is their view that we must dig the hole deeper if we want to get out of the hole. It is rational to see that a different approach is needed, not more of the same failed “solutions” that have been tried over many decades of continuing failure. Their dire predictions of a “Wild, wild, West”, if the unconstitutional restrictions… Read more »


Why do we permit the gun-grabbers to do more of what has been empirically proven — repeatedly, to be ineffective in solving the problem? Whether it is more “gun control laws” or “beefing up security” it has not worked, and it is their view that we must dig the hole deeper if we want to get out of the hole. It is rational to see that a different approach is needed, not more of the same failed “solutions” that have been tried over many decades of continuing failure. Their dire predictions of a “Wild. wild West”, if the unconstitutional restrictions… Read more »

Steve Harris

A very good message, thanks. How can we get more people to read that. It would be nice if the media stations would mention that or some at least.

