Home Town Gun Store, The Marksman, the Latest Victim of Shopify Discrimination

Shopify Bans Firearms Gun Industry Items
Home Town Gun Store, The Marksman, the Latest Victim of Shopify Discrimination

Puyallup, WA, USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- Shopify, a commonly used eCommerce platform, notified ‘The Marksman’ a Washington State indoor gun range and retail shop, that they will no longer support their eCommerce website ‘themarksman.net’. The new acceptable use policy (AUP), adopted by Shopify, no longer allows the sale of legal products sold by the Marksman.

The Marksman has been in business for over 38 years and has always enjoyed great community support by the public and Law Enforcement. We provide a safe place for our community to shoot and learn about safe firearms handling. Over the years we have educated, literally, thousands of people on how to safely handle and use firearms. With a database of over 60,000 members we consider ourselves the quintessential home town gun store.

The Marksman Gun Range Screengrab
The Marksman Gun Range Screengrab

When we entered into our relationship with Shopify they expressed no concern about the products we sell. We have spent thousands of dollars building and maintaining our ecommerce presence, as well as contributing to Shopify’s income. It is unacceptable to us that they now decided that they don’t like guns and therefore will proceed to terminate their relationship with The Marksman and many other firearms related companies.

As we are exploring our legal options, we are also reaching out to establish a new ecommerce partnership. We hope to minimize the inconvenience to our law abiding loyal customers.

Mike Grabowski for The Marksman

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Edward Weber

What if Shopify decided not to do business with African-American businesses?

Blake Templeton

If anyone is a firearm retailer and needs a payment processing platform please email me thomast atsign epbfi dot com

Stripe paypal square are also anti 2a, I have a solution that can convert your shopify store to another platform and its cheaper

VT Patriot

I’m old enough to remember another era when only news that was acceptable to ‘them’, and all other news was to be banned. Worked out great for one guy named Adolph for awhile.

R Swinney

Great drive firearm and ammunition sales underground, that will help. Drugs are and have been illegal for a very long time yet still readily available with zero control. This will only make guns more accessible to the criminal elements.

Sneaky White 13

Anyone know how to identify a company that uses the Shopify e-commerce platform? If you do… Please let the POTG know, so we can let other merchants know that are using Shopify that they (Shopify) are racist/discriminating against POTG of all races and creeds by denying us interstate commerce and the freedom to buy legal products. If I know how to identify Shopify, I can then DICK’S them….and then tell that company why I DICK’S’d them..because they use Shopify. In the meantime, any POTG merchants better be finding another ecommerce platform and ask for grarrantees they won’t suddenly get “Shopify… Read more »