NRA Endorses Kemp for Georgia Governor


Brian Kemp
Brian Kemp

Fairfax, VA – -( On behalf of our six million members across the country, the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) today endorsed Brian Kemp for governor of Georgia.

“Brian Kemp is an unwavering supporter of our Second Amendment freedoms,” said Chris W. Cox, chairman, NRA-PVF. “He is the only candidate running for governor who can be trusted to protect our constitutional right to self-defense.”

Kemp has a consistent pro-Second Amendment record, which includes strengthening Georgia’s preemption law and supporting the right of law-abiding gun owners to exercise their constitutional right to carry a firearm in the manner that best suits their needs. He opposes the Bloomberg/Pelosi/Schumer gun control agenda of banning firearms and ammunition.

Kemp is being challenged by Stacey Abrams, an “F” rated candidate who is endorsed by former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s extreme gun control group.

Abrams supports banning commonly owned firearms as well as criminalizing the private transfer of firearms between lifelong friends and many family members. In addition, she supports removing constitutional rights without adequate due process.

“We can count on Brian Kemp to protect the rights of Georgia’s law-abiding gun owners. We urge all Second Amendment supporters in Georgia to vote Brian Kemp for governor in November,” Cox concluded.​​

National Rifle Association Institute For Legislative Action (NRA-ILA)

Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Visit:

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Albert Toth

Need to look up the Johnson Amendment as the NRA is in violation of this federal LAW. As a non-profit organization they CANNOT endorse any political candidate or support the.

Scott in Atlanta

Yeah, thanks for nothing, NRA. This is AFTER you endorsed his primary opponent, the virulently anti-2nd Amendment snake Casey Cagle, over Kemp and Michael Williams, who made support for the 2nd Amendment one of his key campaign focuses. And we can see what the NRA’s support of a gun-hater got Cagle – he got TROUNCED by Kemp.
Too little, too late, NRA. As usual.

Reid Jones

NRA’s “F” Rating = Citizen’s “A” Rating
#TeamAbrams <3

Scott in Atlanta

Go to hell, leftwing idiot. Get off this site and go to Pravda’s website where you belong.

H. Spires

Citizens of what country, China? Georgia is and always will be a second amendment supporting state. No matter how much money the billionaires from out of state pour into Abrams campaign she will never be the Georgia citizens candidate. She can’t run her own finances so how can she run the state of Georgia? She is a spend first and ask questions later liberal demoRat. She needs to move to Commiefornia and help Pelosi and Waters finish destroying that state.

Wild Bill

@Reid Jones, We, on this site, are accustomed to facts and logic, as opposed to some unknown source’s say so. If you want a conversation bring back some facts and logic.