Will Illegal Immigration Keep The Democrats In Power?


Illegal Immigrant Caravan
Will Illegal Immigration Keep The Democrats In Power?

USA – -(AmmoLand.com)- You’ve been lied to.

Every day the MSM lies to you and to the rest of America. Below are the FACTS, and they are why it so important for YOU to get out and vote. The far left will do all they can to keep you from learning the truth, and they want to memorialize this situation into law to keep us from fixing it.

Let’s do the math. That’s 5.7 million votes. I think these numbers are low. Given that Democrats have been registering illegal aliens to vote in the millions over the last few years it is easy to see that this number may be in excess of 6 million people. Remember Barack Obama openly said he WANTED illegal aliens to vote in Presidential Elections!

There are ONLY 437 House seats. That number is set by the 1929 reapportionment act.

The US has 320 million people, and so each House seat represents around 800,000 people. (Actually, a bit fewer as some smaller states skew the averages, as they should.)

So what is the effect on how we allocate these 437 seats when 30 million people are illegal?

States like CA where upwards of 20% of the population are illegal aliens get a BIG boost in their representation in the House of Representatives based on population size. Traditionally Southern states with large African American populations get shorted. Just for fun let see how many house seats are represented by the 30 million illegal aliens in our country? The answer is 37.5. Now spread these around judiciously across the country. How many Democrats owe their house seat to the votes of Illegal aliens? You can spread these illegal aliens around and swing 60 or more house seats to the Democrats.

Californian and New York would lose DOZENS of house seats each if illegal aliens were not counted as citizens for the House of Representatives. Is it ANY wonder that these two states automatically register illegal aliens as democrat under Motor Voter? Is it any wonder the left wants open borders?

So ever wonder WHY the Democrats oppose the wall? Now you know.

Without the votes and headcount of illegal aliens, the democrat party ceases to exist as a national party. They never again win a national election!

What can you do? Get out and vote and get like-minded people to vote. Share this to educate as many people as you can. We have two weeks left. There is still time to act. If we can elect new majorities to the House and Senate we can begin to take back America.

About Don McDougall

Don McDougall
Don McDougall

Don McDougall is an NRA instructor and member of the Los Padres “Friends of the NRA” committee. If he’s not at the range, you will find him setting the record straight with on gun issues and gun safety on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.

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And yet the democrats firmly deny any possibility of voter fraud. If what was reported here is true, the elections are certainly going to be affected by foreigners, so why are we chasing those pesky Russians if we have admitted felons voting in our elections. And why wasn’t Obama at least roundly criticized for encouraging felons? It sounds more like aiding and abetting to me.


I object to calling this a “caravan”! It is an INVASION!!!!!!
This was timed to happen just before the 2018 mid-terms by the Left and their minion. If these invaders are allowed into our country, we can kiss the America the Founders and hundreds of thousands of brave men, and women fought and died for.
We are in the Democrat (Communist) Left’s end game. Let’s stop it NOW!


Non citizens found to have voted and or non citizens caught attempting to vote in elections in this country should be immediately ejected from this country, with zero possibility of ever returning.


If this bovine excreta continues we will lose the United States and there will be open civil war. All c ivil wars are ugly bloody and your worst nightmare. Guess who will be the first elected officials or former elected officials in Washington that will be hunted down and delt with?


How do you generate more votes? You create a special class and cater to them.

Illegal immigrants? Check.

LGBTQ? Check.

Welfare leeches? Check.


If Trump doesn’t send the military to the borders, not only will he have given the Mid-terms to the democRATS but he will have lost mine and millions of others votes. There are non-lethal weapons already capable of turning back these invaders. There is a microwave dish that causes severe abdominal pain, severe headache, vomiting, diarrhea and other painful symptoms. Hit these with that type of weapon and they will scurry back across to their countries of origin. I guarantee they will never come back. As we now know and could have guessed, there are gang members, drug cartel members,… Read more »