ANJRPC Releases Guide To Comply With NJ Magazine Ban By December 10

Appeal Likely to Continue to Supreme Court.

Fuck New Jersey
ANJRPC Releases Guide To Comply With NJ Magazine Ban By December 10

New Jersey – -(  The appeal of New Jersey’s gun magazine ban is still pending before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, but because there are only 10 days before gun owners are required to comply with the ban, Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs has released a 4-page guide for gun owners to comply with the ban by its mandated deadline of December 10, 2018.

The guide reveals non-obvious, lawful methods to continue owning magazines that hold between 11 and 15 rounds without modifying them, in addition to covering the conventional compliance options under the mag ban.

It is critical that all NJ gun owners read this guide and comply with the mag ban law by December 10, 2018. Failure to timely comply is a serious crime that could result in imprisonment, fines, and loss of gun rights nationwide, and nearly all gun owners are affected by this law.

View or download copies of the guide here.

ANJRPC Guide To Comply With NJ Magazine Ban

The guide was co-authored by Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs Executive Director and Attorney Scott Bach and Attorney Evan Nappen (who literally wrote the book about NJ gun law). It contains critical information that every gun owner needs right now in order to comply with the ban before the last day for compliance of December 10, 2018.

Regardless of the outcome of this middle-level appeal before the Third Circuit, the appeal will likely wind up in the U.S. Supreme Court, and ANJRPC will be taking every available step to get it there.


Please forward this article to every gun owner you know, and if you don’t already receive alerts from ANJRPC, please subscribe to our free email alerts for the latest Second Amendment breaking news and action alerts.

Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol ClubsAbout ANJRPC: The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs is the official New Jersey affiliate of the NRA, and is New Jersey’s oldest, largest, and most effective Second Amendment advocacy organization.

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CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE!! If it was good enough for our Founders, it’s good enough for We the People!!


Krystalnact only days away, this is the most fascist, communist, law I have read, Im not sure how many reasons there are to stay in NJ, but there are many reasons to leave.


Well folks, ya know, speaking of leaving New Jersey, guess where our host, Ammoland is located? Yup, New Jersey! Wonder if they have any plans to vacate the State? left New York and relocated to Texas some time ago. How about it Fredy?


So magazine restrictions are supposed keep the public safe by not allowing anyone to have a large quality of bullets in their gun that extends firing without reloading. So lets pass legislation that’s equally as STUPID. Something that limits the fuel capacity of all vehicles to less than 5 or10 gal. Only Law Enforcement can have fuel capacities greater than that. This will eliminate extended driving without refueling and greatly reduce the long, high speed chases that endanger innocent lives. Of course we all know that this type of legislation wouldn’t make it past the draft version. It only makes… Read more »


Unconstitutional laws are not laws, therefore they should not be enforced nor recognized. Fight! It may seem like you are doing the right thing by following the law, but your future generations will be subjugated for it. Good luck NJ, MA, CT, WA, and CA, you have plenty of allies and support! At some point you have to call a spade a spade, and stand up and fight for what’s right! Nazi Germany rose to fascism because citizens said “not-me” until it was too late.


So sad.

I wonder how many people will choose to store for $1/mag/day. I would think that, for those with no out-of-state options, it would be simpler to bury them and wait for the law to [hopefully] overturned.